Balatro celebrates 2 million sales, will feature major gameplay update in 2025! (
from to on 07 Aug 2024 14:39

The dev says this is one of three big announcements. One could possibly be a release date for the mobile version, but I’m not sure what the third could be.


threaded - newest on 07 Aug 2024 15:01 next collapse

Good for them… Still have yet to win a run. on 07 Aug 2024 15:12 next collapse

How many hours in? Just curious, I’m bad at it but I got my first win ~16 hours in, are you doing something wrong? on 06 Sep 2024 20:51 collapse

22.9 hours in…I’ve gotten close, but no cigar. on 07 Aug 2024 15:12 next collapse

I believe in you! on 07 Aug 2024 15:17 next collapse

Balatro University has some good guides if you’re looking to improve. on 07 Aug 2024 15:25 next collapse

some guides : on 07 Aug 2024 15:50 collapse

Thanks for this! Saving and checking them but… I’m more a “Look at me playing a game and tell me what I did wrong at the end” kind of player on 07 Aug 2024 16:02 next collapse

I was going to say “ahh, too bad the Internet isn’t really helpful for that method of learning”, but with AI who knows, maybe that’ll be something your computer can do before too long on 07 Aug 2024 16:30 collapse

I don’t really understand your comment - sorry! - but I’ve played some games with the plasma deck and I still have to understand how to play exactly with it, I do good-ish at first but after a few rounds/first boss I do so little numbers and I can’t win, having someone watching what I do wrong and telling me would be great on 07 Aug 2024 16:46 next collapse

I could have a go at that. on 07 Aug 2024 17:06 collapse

For plasma specifically I’d focus on high additive chip jokers. While that’s normally bad advice, consider how crazy good a card with +50 mult on it would be. Now consider that a +100 chip joker is effectively a +50 chip/+50 mult (I know that’s not technically true but I’m illustrating a point). Also eventually you do hit a point of diminishing returns because plasma prevents you from having a super high multiplier or chips, so like every build, total score multipliers are the best on 07 Aug 2024 17:16 collapse

The one who played it before me said it was best to get the X multi jokers so I always ignored the + multi ones and even the X multi final score… I tried but I don’t exactly know which ones do that. I should try with what you said and see if it works, thanks! Which poker hand is better with it? on 07 Aug 2024 18:12 collapse

It’s hard to offer strong heuristics for Balatro because you could theoretically build up to a point where you’ve got a crazy high multiplier but if your chips are low it doesn’t matter.

For example let’s say you’ve got a face card 4 of a kind build going with: Pareidolia, Zany, Smiley, Trio, and Family jokers. These give you (respectively) all cards are face cards, +12 mult for 3 of a kind, +20 mult for each hand (all cards are face cards), x3 mult, x4 mult for a total of 384 multiplier! On base 4 of a kind this is


However if you were to drop smiley face (+5 mult per face) for scary face (+30 chips per face card) which by almost every heuristic is a bad decision your score becomes:


Which is a way bigger score!

So while people can offer general advice like stack high chips on plasma, always go for total score multipliers, etc. sometimes you just have to evaluate your specific build and figure out the best play

Finally outside of decks like abandoned and checkered which are specifically made to get certain hands, there isn’t a “best” hand to go for. The highest possible scores I’ve seen all come from high card builds but most normal players won’t get those. I’ve won two of a kind runs, flush 5 runs, straight runs, flush runs. You just have to evaluate your deck and tarot cards to see your options on 07 Aug 2024 18:23 collapse

This is interesting to know since I would love to win at least one game with plasma since people said it the funniest deck but for some reasons I can’t get past ante 2/3. I’m going to try to play a game or 2 trying to buy chip jokers and tarots hoping for the best, I do really need to understand better jokers and synergies between them on 07 Aug 2024 16:48 collapse

Maybe experiment a bit more. That way, you can deduce yousrelf what works and what doesn’t. on 07 Aug 2024 16:56 collapse

The problem is, like I said in another comment, is I can’t understand exactly how to play the plasma deck but I’ll keep trying! on 07 Aug 2024 17:15 next collapse

Well, you must have already got quite a bit of experienge then, since that one get unlocked after the second most difficult stake, right? Have you tried focusing on chips, instead of mult? Chips are way easier to raise. on 07 Aug 2024 17:17 collapse

No, the only suggestion I’ve got for the plasma deck is to try getting the X multi jokers but failed on 07 Aug 2024 17:38 collapse

With the plasma deck you don’t need to balance the chips with multiplier, as it does that for you. So what you want to do is to go all in on either chips or multiplier. Usually it’s easier to get chips bonuses early, and then, when you have the opportunity, to pivot into massive multiplier multiples. Or just keep going with chips, if you have enough levels on your main hand - that might be enough to get you through ante 8 on lower stakes on 07 Aug 2024 17:50 collapse

+chips and +multi? Or X multi? I can try to play with more +chips jokers/cards on 07 Aug 2024 18:50 collapse

Start with +chips and look for an opportunity to get a lot of X multi in one go, if possible. If not, just double down on +chips on 07 Aug 2024 19:22 collapse

Thanks for your help! I’m going to try it on 07 Aug 2024 16:16 next collapse

lol. I feel you! My max Ante was 7. Everything after that seems impossible :D on 07 Aug 2024 18:28 collapse

The most-satisfying part is when you stumble onto the right Joker combination and realize, “Oh snap, I think this is the one.” on 07 Aug 2024 20:22 collapse

Conversely the worst is when that happens and a bad boss blind screws your run on 08 Aug 2024 22:02 collapse

The worst one I think is the one where you can only play one hand. I hate that one, because in most cases it’s game over for me 😆 on 07 Aug 2024 17:29 next collapse

Generally some good advice is that Balatro is a math game first and foremost so you want to focus on things that raise your score the quickest. So adding chips is ok, adding multiplier is better, and multiplying your total is the best.

For example let’s say you are playing straights and you have a 10-6 with level 3 straights. So you’d have:



So let’s compare how jokers impact that score:

Devious joker: +100 chips if you have a straight


Crazy joker: +12 mult if you have a straight


The order: x3 mult if you have a straight


You can see those are very big differences! It’s also helpful to pay attention to the order of your cards. Generally Balatro cards are scored left to right. The most important thing is to take any card that multiplies any part of your score on the right so you can add as much to the score as possible, then you multiply that number

So in short: multiplier jokers are best, additive multiplier jokers are good, additive chip jokers are ok, and pay attention to the order of your jokers/played cards on 08 Aug 2024 06:28 next collapse

This is basically correct but i would add sometimes it’s better to add chips than to add mult. For example, if your score is something like:

10 x 50 = 500

Adding +50 mult here would give you 10x100=1000 points. Adding +50 chips will give you 60x50=3000 points.

Adding to the lowest of the two numbers improves your score the most. Especially early game, mult is much lower than chips, so you want to improve mult. However once you have some good mult jokers improving chips becomes important. Especially in high card based decks, where you get very few chips from your hand.

If the multiplier jokers come in, the picture can change again. It makes adding mult more valuable because the addition will be multiplied. on 08 Aug 2024 10:36 collapse

One thing to watch out for though, is that if you focus exclusively on mult, eventually the scale tips and chips become more valuable.

You’re always ultimately doing c * m, chips times mult, right? Increasing c by 1 increases your total by…

(c+1)*m - (c*m) = (c + 1 - c) * m = m

And vice versa for increasing m by 1. So, whichever is higher - your total mult or total chips - you should increase the other one. Usually this means increase mult, but building a bit multiplier can quickly make it outpace your chips for some hands. on 08 Aug 2024 05:56 collapse

How long have you been trying. on 07 Aug 2024 15:47 next collapse

I’m super excited for the mobile version but also worried about my future productivity on 07 Aug 2024 17:20 collapse

There’s a converter on GitHub for it.

It works surprisingly well. I wanted to wait for the official but I have a flight coming up and this is gonna make it awesome.

I can’t wait to buy the mobile version and recommend it to all of my friends! on 08 Aug 2024 05:29 collapse

Would be nice to convert my Steam progress. on 07 Aug 2024 16:11 next collapse

Played it for some hours, but I don’t get the hype tbh. Maybe I’m missing something on 07 Aug 2024 16:19 next collapse

Hey, maybe it’s just not for you. that’s okay. on 07 Aug 2024 18:44 next collapse

It’s really just poker solitaire with a bunch of math added to flavorful bonus cards, if you’re not really into poker, solitaire, or math it isn’t going to be the right game for you.

I have a buddy that hates RNG, mostly plays shooter games, he hates poker in all its forms because of the randomness but I feel like learning to deal with probably and chance are really good lessons that apply to broader life. on 07 Aug 2024 22:56 collapse

I think the fun is that every run is unique and trying out new combos and finding one that works is very rewarding. on 07 Aug 2024 16:18 next collapse

Coming to Xbox with day one game pass? 🤞🤞🤞 on 07 Aug 2024 16:46 collapse

It’s cheap. on 07 Aug 2024 17:06 collapse

Is it on Xbox?

ETA: oh cool, it is! Still, probably going to wait for it to hit game pass - there’s more games on there that I want to play then time to play them, but if balatro gets on there I think it will move to the top of the list. on 08 Aug 2024 05:20 collapse

It’s on almost everything; I got it on Steam, works on my Deck and Mac perfectly. It’s really not demanding at all, and will be on mobile platforms soon.

I would be surprised if it went on Game Pass. on 08 Aug 2024 06:11 collapse

Fair enough. Thanks for responding on 07 Aug 2024 16:26 next collapse

For anyone interested in game development: Balatro is made with Love2D. Which means the exe you download from steam can be unzipped using just about any zip program (might need to change the file extension from exe to zip) and the whole source code and 2D asset files are available for perusing. Not even obfuscated, full variable names and comments available to inspect as a real world example of a working game that has sold like hotcakes because the end result is good. Let it inspire you, let it teach you :) on 07 Aug 2024 20:42 next collapse

VERY COOL! I have used Love for some simple stuff before but I didn’t realize balatro was built in it. on 08 Aug 2024 19:11 next collapse

Yoooooo awesome! Even source-available games are better than proprietary games. on 08 Aug 2024 20:30 next collapse

Oh shit, that’s amazing! That could be a real learning opportunity for folks interested in starting game dev like me! on 08 Aug 2024 20:54 collapse

Thus also applies to many games made with Unity as well. It just requires a program like ILSpy to view it all. on 07 Aug 2024 16:32 next collapse

I recently got this game, and wow, what a time sucker. FINALLY won my first run yesterday. I’ve played a fair share of rogue likes, but this one really does feel fresh every game. on 07 Aug 2024 16:36 next collapse

Most people who liked balatro will probably also find dungeons & degenerate gamblers interesting which is coming out tomorrow. It’s a similar take on blackjack but with a few other ideas mixed in. I’ve played the demo and I’m looking forward to the full version on 07 Aug 2024 20:12 collapse

So is this a new emerging genre? Poker Like? on 07 Aug 2024 17:59 next collapse

#3: Everybody gets laid! on 07 Aug 2024 18:05 collapse

Laid off probably… on 07 Aug 2024 18:26 collapse

Because they discovered Balatro. on 07 Aug 2024 18:29 collapse

I’ve been playing it on mobile for months