Star Citizen 1.0 'Twinkles on the Horizon', Dev Says — 12 Years and $669 Million Later - IGN (
from to on 16 Mar 2024 23:21


threaded - newest on 17 Mar 2024 00:24 next collapse

Fuuuuck off. Your cult of suckers is not the majority here. Best stick to the echo-holes you already made. on 17 Mar 2024 02:39 collapse

I was posting because it’s amazing they still don’t have an eta on when it’s gonna leave alpha on 17 Mar 2024 08:36 next collapse

Just like with the Pokémon company, nothing will change as long as people keep throwing money at them. on 21 Mar 2024 18:38 collapse

I feel like the only way this industry can change is if we have blood on our hands. Be it the publishers or selfish “fans”. on 17 Mar 2024 14:46 collapse

It is, don’t let the haters stop you from poking fun at Star Citizen. It’s a ridiculous thing. on 17 Mar 2024 01:18 next collapse

In a blog post, CIG chief Chris Roberts said 2024 will see the launch of Star Citizen Alpha 4.0 (yes, Star Citizen is still in alpha) […] However, there is still no release date or even release window for Star Citizen 1.0. CIG will share the roadmap later this year.

Lol. I wish I, too, was able to convince people to give me 600 million dollars to do fuck all for 12 years. on 17 Mar 2024 21:22 collapse

They didn’t do fuck all! They have an extremely unstable alpha of one game mechanic! They just need another few hundred million to get everything else done.

Oh and there’s yet another engine upgrade they’re going to do, and then implement this cool technology over here, and VR, and cryptocurrency, and AI… on 17 Mar 2024 03:38 next collapse

Just like practical fusion energy. on 17 Mar 2024 22:59 next collapse

The discourse here is disappointing considering this isn’t reddit and you expect people to be smarter. Go download and play it right now if you need to form an opinion, because the language you’re all using clearly indicates you haven’t.

Play it so you can give it its valid criticism instead of parroting an internet lynch mob from 10 years ago. on 18 Mar 2024 10:57 next collapse

played it. it’s no way near a full 1.0 release…not even a Beta 1.0 release. on 19 Mar 2024 10:05 next collapse

See, the problem is that’s not a criticism if you play it. It’s playable now so why slap a 1.0 label on it until it’s ready. Real criticism would be something like ‘updates are too slow’, ‘shop weapons are way too expensive’, ‘it takes way too long to get to my ship’, ‘server wipes are too extreme and I should be able to keep expensive ships’, ‘basic mechanics are not maintained and bug free enough between feature updates’ <- all criticism mine by the way. on 19 Mar 2024 10:07 next collapse

what? on 29 Mar 2024 15:02 collapse

You sound like me c. ARK survival evolved. You got hoodwinked dude, no reason to be ashamed. Sunk cost fallacy’s a bitch on 29 Mar 2024 17:46 collapse

Oh god, I have another space sim and lost $50. They got me bro. Why does this keep happening? on 21 Mar 2024 18:36 collapse

Why are you even playing if you didn’t like it on 21 Mar 2024 22:05 next collapse

Because for some time I still had hope that they can turn this into a somehow good game…and oh yeah I fucking paid for it… on 22 Mar 2024 17:38 collapse

This person is respond to someone saying to play it and you respond with why are you playing it… like really? on 18 Mar 2024 11:21 next collapse

But games journalists are the most ethical and truthful of all journalists and definitely haven’t been misrepresenting this project to drum up drama and clicks for years. It’s just a coincidence that Star Citizen drama makes their shareholders richer.

No need for an informed opinion here, I will keep the opinion The Escapist and the Reddit Hive Mind told me to have, they’re never wrong. Derek Smart? More like Derek Genius. on 18 Mar 2024 12:30 next collapse

mqyve we don’t wanna waste our money on 19 Mar 2024 10:07 collapse

Oh my god $50 the horror. on 19 Mar 2024 11:28 collapse

is 1500 in my countries currency. and no the wages don’t scale on 18 Mar 2024 13:09 collapse

However, there is still no release date or even release window for Star Citizen 1.0. CIG will share the roadmap later this year.

12 years in and the update is that a later update will announce when they may, or may not, release the game.

This is, and always has been, the issue regarding this game. Even putting aside the budget they’ve burned through to date (which is impressively massive), the fact that they are still unsure of when they think the game is done is mind-boggling.

Years ago, I thought I was being relatively pessimistic that the game may take until 2023-2024 to release. And here we are in 2024 with the “release date will be announced later” updates still coming. on 19 Mar 2024 09:55 collapse

I mean, it was no secret that the game is an ongoing project with ‘it’s ready when it’s ready’ as the goal. Like literally every other public alpha. So I guess people like me will continue enjoying games like SC, DayZ, Arma, Valheim, Zomboid, 7dtd, and countless others just like it while people like you can keep getting mad on the internet. For this game in particular I got far more enjoyment than I deserved for spending $50 I don’t know how people can justify being so lame and self-righteous. on 18 Mar 2024 10:56 collapse


but to be fair they do not say which year that horizon may twinkle. A horizon in maybe 5 years could be possible at least for a beta release.