Sony Defends PS Plus Price Rises - IGN (
from to on 27 Oct 2023 14:42

In a new interview, PlayStation’s top business executive defended the decision, insisting the company had to “adjust” to market conditions.


threaded - newest on 27 Oct 2023 14:51 next collapse

I would like to welcome the many many many new PC players who will be abandoning consoles on 27 Oct 2023 15:43 next collapse

lol, most ps owners don’t use ps plus and it’s not one of the highlights of the systems. Being able to play Spider-Man 2. Now that’s a highlight. They pump out amazing exclusives that far surpass anything from Xbox which keeps them very viable without ps plus being as competitive as gamepass is. on 27 Oct 2023 18:01 collapse

The exclusives were how I used to justify a PS, but now that they are coming to PC after a year it makes that decision harder to justify. Particularly because they usually look better on PC and mods can be used, so as long as I can stand to wait I usually have a better experience on PC.

I’m not sure I’d buy another console. on 27 Oct 2023 15:44 next collapse

$2000 GPUs. on 27 Oct 2023 16:25 next collapse

Steam deck is a good reasonably priced alternative for people wanting to switch on 27 Oct 2023 17:30 next collapse

The rough equivalent of the PS5 GPU (~40 CUs of RDNA2) is the RX6700 XT at ~300 dollars. Pricing has not been great but let's not exaggerate lol on 27 Oct 2023 23:37 next collapse

Wow my 5700 XT was $600 lol. God prices were garbage back in the day. on 27 Oct 2023 23:54 collapse

2019/2020 was a poor year from a price/longevity perspective, yeah. All of us who got a GPU around those days didn't necessarily get the best deal. I'm satisfied with what I got out of my 3060Ti but I feel that many wouldn't be.

I don't mention 2021 because, well, you know, it's not like you could even find one so on 28 Oct 2023 00:08 collapse

Yup I still have that 5700XT and it’s perfectly capable for nearly every game I enjoy today. I haven’t seen a reason to upgrade just yet. on 30 Oct 2023 01:11 collapse

I swiped a 3070ti for 400 and it wrecks the PS5 (not saying the PS5 is bad by any means!) on 27 Oct 2023 18:43 next collapse

Yes you can pay that. But $300 gets you a very functional card. And you can upgrade your PC in increments. on 27 Oct 2023 20:52 collapse

Or 1 year of ps plus max or whatever the hell bulkshit marketing terms they use.

[deleted] on 27 Oct 2023 16:24 collapse

. on 27 Oct 2023 16:11 next collapse

Only thing that is keeping me from buying a ps5 is the update times. I have a ps4pro and i once had to wait 5 fucking hours for it to update a few games (i think 10 or so)even with a ssd installed. Did that change with the ps5 or is it still horrible? on 27 Oct 2023 16:37 collapse

It’s much faster. on 27 Oct 2023 16:38 next collapse

I’ve been in Plus for quite a few years now. I used to be able to get it for $40 around Black Friday. That was an acceptable price. If I can get it for $60 this year I may re-up. There’s no way in heck I’m paying $80. on 27 Oct 2023 17:17 next collapse

They can defend their recent PlayStation Rises all they want, it doesn’t change the fact that it cemented my decision(and I’m sure I’m not alone) to cancel their subscription in favor of Microsoft based competitors. They can say it all they want but they cannot fight the fact that game pass is just far superior in content(and even that’s expensive af now) and the only thing they really had going for them was their exclusivity single player based games and those just haven’t been there on the five. I say this as being a solid Sony fan since the PS1, I’ve gotten every one of their consoles because I preferred their controller layout and menu design(of which both are now worse), I regretted buying this generation without the choice increase in PlayStation Plus, the decision to up the pricing only drilled that mindset home. on 27 Oct 2023 19:38 next collapse

Vote with your wallet. Their execs can pull numbers out of their ass all day, but maybe they should cut some out of their salary for a change on 28 Oct 2023 00:05 next collapse

That’s ok. I’ll just ‘adjust’ my payment details. on 28 Oct 2023 01:44 collapse

Did that a couple years ago. I was trying to cancel my PS+ subscription because I didn’t use my PS4 much after building a PC and they kept giving me issues. I simply deleted my card info from the account and let the subscription end that way.

Now they keep saying there’s a problem with my account and I need to re-add my card info.

No thanks, Sony. on 28 Oct 2023 01:21 next collapse

“We’re garbage at cloud gaming but give us more money!” on 28 Oct 2023 01:35 next collapse

I just subscribed for 4 or so years ahead at original prices. Will decide in 4 years if it’s still worth it, but for me the free games are easily worth the price of entry.

I’m not sure it really needs to be debated - prices have gone up, they raised prices. Either pay or don’t pay. It’s no big deal at end of day. on 28 Oct 2023 14:56 next collapse

Guess I’ll downgrade to basic, I haven’t really found premium to be worth it anyway.

I’m also buying an xbox soon, so maybe I’ll just switch altogether. Well done PS, you may have lost a customer of nearly 20 years. on 28 Oct 2023 16:22 next collapse

Still had a running PS plus sub but its time to cancel. Got sick of ads and unremovable apps on my PS4 which continued to get worse over time. PS5 is the first PlayStation I will not own because of the increased monetization and ads. Give me a console that plays games and media and does nothing else or fuck off. My PC doesn’t have these issues because I’m in control. on 28 Oct 2023 16:55 next collapse

Slowly just buying games on pc so I can cut my dependence on the Playstation. Paying twice for internet is so dumb. The ps5 and switch will likely be my last consoles.

I refuse to accept $70 as the new norm as companies boast about record profits, while indulging in layoffs. All while the average consumer has less money than ever before to even buy them. on 30 Oct 2023 14:54 collapse

I recently got a PS5 and I only buy offline games because of this.

They should release maybe some 20€ annual plan just including online gaming and maybe 500MB of cloud storage for saves.

But having to pay for this is a disadvantage Vs PC games and having to pay like 74€ per year is even worse. on 28 Oct 2023 17:00 collapse

The thing is they’re probably not wrong. Does it suck? Oh absolutely, but what I can say is that I have both gamepass and ps+, and the difference is pretty significant. PS+ has more quality titles, it may not have as many titles, but it has a more quality selection, gamepass however is very much quantity over quality. If all you play are Microsoft or EA games, then gamepass might be worth it, but I can definitely see how Sony might be struggling to compete because of how much gamepass has potentially diminished the value of console titles.

My guess is that it’s a situation of publishers not wanting to put their games on ps plus because they’ve already put them on gamepass and lost a good chunk of revenue from gamepass. Now Sony has to make up the difference because they don’t want to diminish the value of their own games and they really don’t have any other markets to prop up ps plus like Microsoft does with their cloud services.

I do worry about Sony, they really feel like Sega was in the Saturn/Dreamcast days. Struggling to keep up with competition and sticking to their tried and true business practices. The main difference though is they seem willing to embrace change unlike Sega.