Saints Row – free to keep today on Epic Games Store (
from to on 30 Dec 2023 16:47


threaded - newest on 30 Dec 2023 17:11 next collapse

Yeah but then I’d have to use the Epic Games Store on 30 Dec 2023 17:23 next collapse

I strongly dislike Epic as a company, but at least Heroic Games Launcher makes the experience tolerable. And free is free, but for anything paid, I’m always willing to pay extra to own on Steam/GOG instead on 30 Dec 2023 18:20 next collapse

I regret buying RDR2 there… It’s the only game I will ever buy there. But I got over 300 games there now so I cannot really complain 🤣 on 30 Dec 2023 20:54 collapse

Same, i brought GoW and refund it after a day. Luckily i found a good deal for a Steam key later. on 30 Dec 2023 20:31 next collapse

does HGL require the other game launchers to be installed or is it standalone? I’d rather not install epic launcher. on 30 Dec 2023 22:29 collapse

No, I’ve refused to install the Epic launcher but I’ve been able to install games I claimed through the website. Even been able to get them on my Steam Deck with a bit of work in desktop mode on 30 Dec 2023 22:37 next collapse

I just launch the games from the .exe directly and it doesn’t need the launcher. on 31 Dec 2023 00:28 collapse

If you’re concerned about free games just pirate them. Same price and none of the Epic. on 01 Jan 2024 23:03 collapse

“If you’re concerned about paying for something, just steal it.” on 01 Jan 2024 23:11 collapse

If you’re concerned about getting something for free instead of paying for it, pirate it.

Piracy isn’t theft, it is copyright infringement. on 02 Jan 2024 09:07 collapse

Aside from semantics, both are crimes with the same outcome. on 31 Dec 2023 11:18 collapse

Well you have to use Lemmy to reply to this post, so there’s always some requirements to a lot of things. on 30 Dec 2023 17:48 next collapse

RIP Volition on 30 Dec 2023 18:37 collapse

They didn’t die, they were killed. on 30 Dec 2023 18:56 next collapse

“People die when they are killed.” on 31 Dec 2023 11:17 collapse

Allegedly! on 30 Dec 2023 20:18 collapse

Were they? Their three releases since Saints Row 4 ten years ago weren't that well received. It's not like they were releasing smash hit after smash hit (lately). Maybe they killed themselves. on 30 Dec 2023 22:32 next collapse

And even SR4 had a bit of a divide between people who really liked it and those who saw it as a $60 DLC for SR3. on 30 Dec 2023 23:30 collapse

SR4 is where the series jumped the shark for me. Turning up all the wacky random insanity worked great for SR3 and helped it find a niche to differentiate itself from other GTA-likes, but trying the exact same thing again made it go from parody to farce. It was very obviously trying so hard to top SR3’s absurdity, but it just went so insanely overboard with it that I got desensitized to it, and it all came across as just plain stupid.

And on top of that, they give you superhero powers that basically make using cars obsolete… in a GTA-like. The vehicle customization was one of the best systems of SR3, but they actively disincentivized using vehicles altogether in 4. on 31 Dec 2023 01:14 collapse

Deep Silver was very problematic with completely unrealistic expectations and deadlines, Volition’s leadership was also complicit to not fight it too much, what the actual devs wanted to make was a SR 2.5 in tone.

This channel is pretty good since he knows people inside but also doesn’t have his hands tied since he trashed the reboot. on 31 Dec 2023 08:27 next collapse

I use Epic launcher for all my Unreal work, so I have it installed and open it daily. Still, I can’t be bothered to turn on the games store and redeem free games - while willingly paying for new ones on Steam. The UX is just that bad.

(I assume some people may find value in it, all I’m saying is: it is not for me) on 31 Dec 2023 19:25 collapse

I just redeem on the website and launch the games through Playnite. I rarely look at launchers at all. on 31 Dec 2023 21:33 collapse

Same. Every Thursday I check the website for the released game that week and if it’s good I claim. Playnite ftw. on 31 Dec 2023 21:33 next collapse

Shit. Missed it. on 30 Dec 2023 19:58 next collapse

Another game on my want to play list that I would have paid like $8 for but now it’s free. Cool. on 04 Jan 2024 12:19 collapse

Was that the shit reboot Saints Row? Probably missed it for the better