Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age (
from to on 25 Aug 2023 12:22


threaded - newest on 25 Aug 2023 12:46 next collapse

awesome news !

as expected this will be an “easier” version of space exploration, but that’s not a bad thing, specially for people like me that couldn’t finish space exploration, pretty cool to see that Earendel is on the team as well. on 25 Aug 2023 12:58 collapse

Agreed, definitely excited to see what the revised tech tree does to the initial stage of a playthrough as well. This seems like a great way to make the game feel fresh and change up a player’s approach. on 25 Aug 2023 12:56 next collapse

You and I both know we’re going to buy this day 1. on 25 Aug 2023 13:28 next collapse

Lets hope I don't miss work playing this. on 25 Aug 2023 14:38 collapse

WUBE is probably the only company left that I’d pre-order a game from on 25 Aug 2023 15:43 next collapse

Man, I remember when most players felt the same way about Blizzard. Sad memories on 25 Aug 2023 16:54 next collapse

Well. It aint getting cheaper. So might as well. on 25 Aug 2023 16:05 collapse

One of like three for me. Ghost Ship Games and Re-Logic also have my trust.

Bay 12 Games as well, though I doubt they’ll be putting anything up for preorder for another 30 years or so, lol.

Besides that, I can’t think of any other studios. Been burnt too many times before. on 25 Aug 2023 13:52 next collapse

Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as well, no other game has the same amount of love and polish as Factorio does, both when it comes to the vanilla game and mods, and I know they will deliver a good experience with the DLC as well.

However, I am worried if it's gonna be enough to stand out among other games in the genre. It has been many years since Factorio last got a substantial content update (maybe too many) and in the meantime we've got a lot of similarly-genred games like DSP or Satisfactory that have raised the bar in areas that Factorio lacked. I hope F:SA has enough meat on its bones to substantially change the core game rather than just more of what we've already played. on 25 Aug 2023 13:57 next collapse

While painful, it makes sense to push cliff explosives into later game. Cliffs are completely irrelevant in the current game, as you get the tech to blow them up so soon that they don’t manage to affect your base layout. on 25 Aug 2023 20:21 next collapse

Cliffs are generally pretty irrelevant even without the ability to blow them up. Just going around or using an Underground belt works. on 26 Aug 2023 00:01 next collapse

They shape your factory though and that is probably the reason for their existence. on 26 Aug 2023 00:54 collapse

Not really, you ought to build a rail and it can be a pain in the ass to go around cliffs some times. on 26 Aug 2023 09:09 collapse

Me, who plays with cliffs turned off: Oh yea, that'll totally suck. on 25 Aug 2023 14:00 next collapse

I really appreciate that Earendel also got to voice some lines here. The crossover with the mod is undeniable and him being involved with the company now could have been handled differently elsewhere. on 25 Aug 2023 14:32 next collapse

Oh fucking hell. There goes a year of my life on 25 Aug 2023 15:27 collapse

I just can’t right now.

Stanfield comes out in a couple of weeks, and I got friends begging me to try AC, and Baulders Gate is a time sink

I’m gonna do it anyway, The factory must grow on 25 Aug 2023 15:48 collapse

I guess you're lucky since the DLC is not coming out or at least another year then? :P on 25 Aug 2023 18:20 next collapse

really glad we got to hear about a straight up comparison against space exploration. i’ll admit i was hoping they’d go a different direction (i’ve seen people mention going underwater which i think would have been a ton of fun and a guaranteed differentiator from anything currently available)

all that aside, the most interesting parts for me are the engine changes:

  • improved blueprints? how? i can’t say i’ve ever had much to complain about with factorios blueprint system
  • better flying robots behavior. this one could be huge, when i built a large base it was hard to properly balance logistics robots and not feel like they were just not working as well as they should

a year away tho! that’s okay, we’ll live, i just got sucked back into satisfactory (playing sf+ which is basically bobsangels for sf and it’s GLORIOUS).

i know all us diehards will pick it up sight unseeen, but unless there’s something flashy, like a graphical overhaul (which i’m not sure the diehards would be in favor of), i do wonder how it will stand out and attract the newer players that have been playing the newer automation games and might only look at factorio skin-deep and not get as excited for.

and i’m okay with all that, but i also want their work to be appreciated by as many people as possible so here’s to hoping they can nail the marketing on 25 Aug 2023 18:47 collapse

Well there goes a few more thousand hours of my life.