Annapurna Video-Game Team Resigns, Leaving Partners Scrambling (
from to on 12 Sep 22:09


threaded - newest on 12 Sep 22:16 next collapse

Uh, this is a huge deal. Terrible news. on 12 Sep 22:21 collapse

Terrible news…for Megan Ellison. Can’t wait to see what the inevitable independent studio they’ll form puts out. on 12 Sep 22:29 next collapse

I was extremely excited by the recent news that Control was going to be adapted into film and or TV. This could be a massive risk to that going ahead. on 12 Sep 22:35 collapse

This is true! But I think the “good” (?) news there is Annapurna Studios is not going anywhere, and they retained all the IP their subsidiary holds. Sucks for the former Annapurna Interactive folks that they can’t bring the IP with them, but c’est la vie. on 12 Sep 22:47 collapse

That deal only really made sense because it was with a company that did both things. on 12 Sep 22:35 next collapse

Sounds like just the publishing side was affected. Lots of other independent developers are kind of in limbo in the short term, which does suck.

Hopefully they can get out of any contracts and go to a publisher not associated with that family. on 12 Sep 22:52 collapse

Like, maybe the new company that forms from the entire team that left

[deleted] on 12 Sep 22:42 collapse

. on 12 Sep 22:27 next collapse

LOL, they say they’ll replace the staff and honor existing contracts. It’s gonna be shit quality. All their partners will be better off severing ties, reclaiming paid funds, and going with the new company that inevitably forms from the department previously known as Annapurna Interactive. on 13 Sep 01:02 collapse

That autocorrect made that a wild read. on 13 Sep 02:11 collapse

LOL, holy shit. Fixed. on 12 Sep 22:43 next collapse

Uhh, what kinda dispute causes an entire staff to quit??

Can’t see any reason mentioned in the article other than a disagreement with the owner.

Just seems crazy that they’ve let such a successful team walk away, when it sounds like the team were willing to find a way forward… on 12 Sep 22:58 next collapse

They likely had some outlandish request or policy that was anathema to the department’s mission, and just assumed that they would cave. Seems like good leadership stuck to their principles, and the good leaders were followed by teams who weren’t willing to lose that.

If the owner is smart, they’ll backtrack, make concessions when hiring everyone back, and learn from their fuckup. In reality, I hope the new company that forms from the exodus finds fast success. on 12 Sep 23:03 next collapse

the staff wanted equity vis a vis the spinoff, and ownership decided they didn't want to give it to them on 13 Sep 01:08 collapse

The wiki blurb seems to indicate that the staff were in negotiations to split off and Megan Ellison decided not to let them do that. on 12 Sep 22:51 next collapse

Annapurna is just a publisher, no? on 13 Sep 03:01 next collapse

Yes, they’re a publisher. They supposedly have/had a small team working on a Blade Runner game, but they have yet to release a game they developed on their own. Publishing is their thing, so Annapurna Interactive is kinda fucked. I mean, jeez, it looks bad, I mean they all walked out. on 13 Sep 03:28 collapse

Annapurna was both, this article is saying that the development side broke off from the publishing side. on 13 Sep 03:33 collapse

What have they developed? on 13 Sep 04:29 collapse

Oh…so I dug further, and apparently the only in-house game to their name is a blade runner title that’s still in development. on 12 Sep 23:06 next collapse

Ahh fuck, stuff being published by them was usually a decent sign that it'd be interesting in some way. Best of luck to the actual team, I hope they can put something new together on 13 Sep 00:01 next collapse

Every single time I have played an Annapurna published game, I had a fantastic time. I won’t say that everything they did was equal, but everything they did was entertaining, and thought-provoking.

I can’t quite follow the legalese required to parse EXACTLY what this means going forward, but I am sure it is not good, and that is disappointing. on 13 Sep 00:28 next collapse

Sounds like if they had stuck around, they would have been let go eventually anyway… on 13 Sep 01:02 next collapse

Probably gonna be a shitty Friday at Remedy on 13 Sep 07:10 next collapse

That is really bad news. Annapurna has been one of the publishers that’s consistently got excellent unique games under its brand on 13 Sep 08:05 collapse

2 years ago this investigation into its working was released (abusive working conditions), I think it may be relevant…