Larian Studios: [Baldur's Gate 3] patch 2 is right around the corner, features major performance improvements. (
from to on 29 Aug 2023 19:22

Patch 2 is around the corner. It features major performance improvements, many new tweaks & changes, and begins our journey incorporating feedback into Origin Character epilogues, among other major things. Details coming soon.


threaded - newest on 29 Aug 2023 19:53 next collapse

Nice! I love this game but have been having issues with performance. I have a 3070 GTX and regularly see my GPU hitting temps of 80-85°C at High settings at 144hz 1440p.

Really looking forward to this patch, I hope it helps! on 29 Aug 2023 19:58 next collapse

Gooood. I honestly had to stop playing for a bit, everything started breaking once I got past Act 1. I feel like many of the decisions I made, which seemed normal at the time, broke the story’s continuity and interactions. I reached NPCs before I was supposed to, explored side quest locations before I knew there were quests there (fuck you and your parents, Oliver…), fast traveled when I shouldn’t have, etc. etc.

And don’t get me started on Halsin… on 29 Aug 2023 21:17 collapse

I had a thing where I knocked out a quest important character and everyone started talking as if he was dead on 29 Aug 2023 21:25 next collapse

Yeah, I’m seeing stuff like that. I fast traveled at some point, and my journal immediately updated to tell me that Halsin had left for good and would no longer help me. But he was still chillin at camp…and that wasn’t the first or only problem I had with him.

I might just start a fresh save after this patch drops. on 29 Aug 2023 23:26 next collapse

The knock out mechanic is frustrating because the game treats them as dead for most situations. It really should be reworked. on 30 Aug 2023 13:39 collapse

Yup, failed a quest twice because we couldn’t help up a KO’d NPC. Healing, splashing water, pushing, long rest, nothing would get them up. In fact, they DIED after doing a long rest, when the condition says it’s cured by it. on 29 Aug 2023 20:17 collapse

Thank goodness.

With graphics hardware at the low end of the requirements (which are high for an RPG) the game struggles to maintain 30fps at 1080p, often failing even with the expensive settings turned down. The simplest outdoor scenes often send the GPU fans into hyperdrive unless FPS is capped below 40. Quicksaving sometimes drops FPS to 10ish until another save or reload. And that’s just in Act 1.

Major performance improvements will be very welcome. on 29 Aug 2023 20:32 next collapse

Yeah I run on a boiled potato so any improvements will help. on 30 Aug 2023 16:18 next collapse

“which are high for an RPG”…? on 30 Aug 2023 17:47 collapse

That’s right. The RX 480/580 is no slouch. Lesser GPUs are generally plenty for an RPG of this kind at minimum graphics settings. on 30 Aug 2023 17:44 collapse

at least we’ll save on heating costs this winter, with our pcs on hyper overdrive mode whenever we are looking for Balsam.