Cloud Imperium Games [Star Citizen developer] Undergoes Major Shake-Up to Hit Deadlines (
from to on 21 Dec 01:42


threaded - newest on 21 Dec 01:43 next collapse

… with head honcho Christ Roberts …

Interesting typo. on 21 Dec 02:10 next collapse

What deadlines? Squadron 42 was supposed to release in 2016

That ship has sailed. on 21 Dec 02:29 collapse

Yeah was about to say something similar.

What’s some special about this deadline? on 21 Dec 02:48 collapse

This deadline was set once the money was coming in more slowly than it was going out. on 21 Dec 02:46 next collapse

I’m surprised they set a deadline at all, considering how the game itself will never release on 21 Dec 10:39 collapse

Oh it’ll release, just not by Chris Roberts.

The last game he was in charge of was Freelancer, a highly ambitious game for the time and he never finished it. His company, Digital Anvil, started to have financial woes due to the long development of Freelancer and was acquired by Microsoft. He left the company and then a couple years later Freelancer was released!

It was very different from what it was supposed to be, but it was still an awesome game, imo.

I think the same thing will happen to Star Citizen. The money will dry up and they’ll be forced to sell. The buyer will kick Chris out and then have the team make a finished product. on 21 Dec 02:59 next collapse

What are the chances they never deliver what they promised? on 21 Dec 03:27 collapse

Pretty good chances. on 21 Dec 09:33 collapse

Yep, at this point, never actually releasing the game is part of the business model. on 21 Dec 03:08 next collapse

prominently those in the QA department, as a part of its restructuring efforts.

That’s certainly one way to make sure you hit a deadline. on 21 Dec 04:45 collapse

They just find pesky bugs, that need to be fixed. No bugs, no need to fix stuff. on 21 Dec 04:01 next collapse

How is this still a thing lol

Is it playable yet? on 21 Dec 04:38 next collapse


Buggy, incomplete, kind of a mess, but absolutely playable if you have a sufficient tolerance for jank.

While it’s for sure a ways away from being the game that was promised, what’s there is still one of the most unique and ambitious gaming experiences you can ever have. on 21 Dec 23:04 collapse

For all intent and purposes. 4.0 has been by far the most stable release yet. And that is saying something since the player cap is 500 and now has a new star system.

The new Pyro soundtrack is amazing and if you haven’t listen to Pedro’s work I would recommend to do so.

There are some dumb bugs that qa and the ptu should have found and smashed but they (cig) dragged their feet with 3.24 and server meshing this year IMO. on 22 Dec 08:01 collapse

To be fair the “most stable release yet” label is applied to almost every patch by star citizen fans.

Just take a look at any reddit thread (let alone the fan forum) and for every patch you having something along the lines of “perfectly stable” or “best AI I’ve ever encountered” or “a monumental achievement”.

And yet you have threads like this one:…/4-0-preview-unplayab…

There is a reason to be skeptical of “most stable release yet” style proclamations. on 21 Dec 04:07 next collapse

There was a deadline? What did they set, a 20 year development cycle??? on 21 Dec 04:26 collapse

Must ship by: 2017 2020 2025 The heat death of the universe on 21 Dec 10:50 next collapse

What deadline? Of their life? Cause deadlines are gone since it was supposed to release 10 Yeats ago on 21 Dec 10:51 next collapse

Its a buggy mess and they axe qa?
I guess when you have so many pay piggies you dont need to pay anypne on 21 Dec 11:16 next collapse

As of now, Star Citizen has raised $769,261,551. Three quarters of a billion dollars.

And now they say they need to fire the QA department to “laser focus” to meet the deadlines of the release. That’s when you need QA the most. Otherwise that release is going to be a fucking mess.

I call bullshit. This is a money saving decision, which means they’ve blown through their $760 million dollar bank account. Insane. on 23 Dec 10:33 collapse

the source is anonymous, I’d take this info with a heaping serving of NaCl on 21 Dec 14:02 next collapse

They have deadlines?

[deleted] on 21 Dec 19:35 next collapse

. on 21 Dec 20:14 collapse

I have a friend on discord trying to convince us all to play it. All I hear is “Dude, I want to get all my friends on before Pyro so you all know how to play”.

When a games got a whale shop while it’s developed, and the only thing I’ve seen pumped out are more ships with designs for future implementations that are probably a decade away, I feel like you’re more buying a hope and dream than a game.

Besides, the tutorial sucks ass, and doesn’t work half the time, maybe make the onboarding experience better before pumping out the next $1000+ ship. That would be my suggestion for that thing. on 21 Dec 21:50 next collapse

I’m pretty happy with 4.0. They sucked all the features from it, and the missions are having problems. But the game fucking works, finally. Or at least it did during the first 24 hours of the patch. About fucking time.

That being said this whole shake up was clearly a cost saving strategy, since most of 2024 was not the best in term of making money, a LOT of people jumped shit this year, and I don’t blame them. CIG messed up so much this year. They have alot of goodwill to re-earn from the community and 4.0 is a start but only that. on 21 Dec 22:59 collapse

They’re 3rd highest. Possibly could break to be 2nd highest year of funding. Wanted that the be clarified.

But I bet acquiring turbulent has put a slight bump in their expenses. on 21 Dec 22:11 next collapse

Since when does anything to do with star citizen involve a hard deadline. Roberts will never get finished. He lacks that basic ability. on 24 Dec 13:41 collapse

There’s a deadline?