PlayStation's Classics Are Quietly Making a Comeback, And It's About Time (
from to on 22 Sep 22:52

Could it be? Is Astro Bot really going to be the thing that makes Sony revisit older franchises?


threaded - newest on 22 Sep 23:56 next collapse

it doesn’t matter what these corporations ‘think’, anything they remake or whatever the hot term is, they will turn it into some trash with a store. That’s NOT why people are seeking games from an era where this cancer didn’t exist. on 23 Sep 02:57 collapse

I don’t think that’s what’s happening here, unless you’re expanding your definition to be that you’re renting this legacy library with a subscription. on 23 Sep 14:34 collapse

Fans enjoy older titles however they want to

Companies get pissy because fans are having fun and not paying again or constantly via subscriptions

Company ‘remakes’ game to justify IP, does piss poor job, changes things that never needed to be changed and adds in-game store or subscription model because ‘new market conditions’ and ‘inset other buzz words’

Gamers detest all changes and move onto the next old school gem.

That’s the life cycle of remakes… on 23 Sep 14:46 collapse

But that’s not the cycle chronicled in this article. These are old games released onto subscription services in their original versions, more or less, give or take some resolution. on 23 Sep 06:42 next collapse

And at the same time, I’m slowly collecting copies of all the old games I used to play, and some I didn’t play as a kid. I just picked up a damn near pristine copy of Gundam Battle Assault 2 for $40. The game basically never fluctuated in value in about 20 years time and I find that hilarious. on 23 Sep 09:52 next collapse

Some of these could use “Nightdive” treatment like TimeSplitters trilogy.

Simple a PC version of the game with support for latest hardware and operating systems and support for LAN or self hostable multiplayer would give these games new life among people not interested in modern multiplayer games. on 23 Sep 11:28 collapse

no shit. a basic graphics overhaul and add mp features would bring in so much money and many fans. the fans of the og consoles are older and have money now, we yearn for simpler times and not being tethered to drm single player games and shitty cash grabs.

shit, id buy a remaster Mario 64 or GoldenEye in a heartbeat. on 23 Sep 12:46 collapse

Best Nintendo can offer you is renting them in perpetuity with no enhancements. on 23 Sep 14:35 collapse

I know 😢 on 23 Sep 11:13 next collapse

Bring back Intelligent Qube. I still have the PS demo disc. on 23 Sep 12:57 collapse

It was called Kurushi here in our neck of the woods; and I’m glad I’m not the only person who still intensely remembers that game from a demo disc.

I ended up picking up a mint copy to add to my collection; well worth it IMO. on 23 Sep 12:42 collapse
