Rock Band 4 DLC support ends next week, after eight years (
from to on 18 Jan 2024 14:00

End of an era.


threaded - newest on 18 Jan 2024 14:50 next collapse

End of an era on 18 Jan 2024 15:15 next collapse

I’ve been dying to relive those younger days with the drum peripheral but it’s damn hard to find nowadays. I wish I could find something for my Series X to play with my preschooler. She’d get a kick out of it. on 18 Jan 2024 15:28 next collapse

Clonehero is pretty good. People sell auduino guitars that work better than the old controllers. I converted my old guitar hero guitars into an auduino guitar. on 18 Jan 2024 16:20 collapse

What about the drums and mic? on 18 Jan 2024 16:51 next collapse

Drum support was weeks away last I played a couple years ago. I haven’t been keeping up with development but I imagine they’re supported by now on 18 Jan 2024 18:20 collapse

Drums are implemented but unfortunately no vocals. Still pretty fun but not the classic experience on 19 Jan 2024 13:38 collapse

Worth noting you can mute the vocal track and kareoke over the songs on 18 Jan 2024 19:04 collapse

YARG is still in development but has vocal support. I've been putting off trying it out since Clone Hero works for me, but I've been keeping an eye on it's development. on 18 Jan 2024 16:33 next collapse

Just to add that I took a look on CL and eBay, and the prices ranged from $350 to $900. That’s nuts! on 18 Jan 2024 16:40 collapse

I chucked my perfectly working drums years ago because my PS3 died and couldn’t play any more. Kicking myself hard rn on 18 Jan 2024 20:08 next collapse

I chucked an old hard drive with something like 20 bitcoin on it from my college days without ever giving it a second thought. I think it was like $5 each then. Imagine my surprise when BTC hit $20k. on 19 Jan 2024 10:57 collapse

Me too man. I had two GH kits and a RB one. Never used them, they gathered dust, then eventually they went in the bin.
They were just so bloody bulky.

I did manage to keep two GHWT guitars and the microphone, thankfully. on 19 Jan 2024 11:59 collapse

Clone Hero can run on any PC. And it works with any USB MIDI drum kit. You can find used cheap ones as low as $100 or buy a new professional E-kit for $2000. If you really want to learn to play the drums (instead of just dragging it out to play video games), the Alesis Nitro is a really great quality kit in the $300-400 range. on 18 Jan 2024 15:31 next collapse

Is this game still playable on modern systems? Can you still buy the peripherals?

EDIT: I searched it myself and found the answer is Yes to modern systems, but No to peripherals. You have to buy overpriced adapters at retail and used equipment on ebay/craigslist. on 18 Jan 2024 15:32 next collapse

I didn’t even know this was still around on 18 Jan 2024 19:46 next collapse

I’m fortunate enough to still have my full collection of RB4 instruments functional after all these years, and I frequently bust them out with my wife and my friends when the booze hits just right.

In the announcement they really emphasize that you’ll keep the songs you’ve already bought. What they haven’t clarified is whether you’ll still be able to continue downloading dlc tracks that are already released. Severing that from the playerbase would really suck.

Although they are releasing one final DLC pack before this ends, so who knows? on 18 Jan 2024 20:12 collapse

What they haven’t clarified is whether you’ll still be able to continue downloading dlc tracks that are already released.

They are just stopping their weekly DLC release schedule. No reason to think anything is going to happen to current DLC. Just nothing new going forward. on 18 Jan 2024 22:41 next collapse

For those of you who do not know, Clone Hero is a free game developed to fill the void that guitar hero and rock band left behind.

It’s not perfect but you can download custom songs and there is a pretty active community if charters. on 19 Jan 2024 03:55 collapse

Good to know!