Day 225 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots (
from to on 27 Feb 05:00

I spent today playing through some more of Pokemon Ultra Moon. Something about the conversion from .bmp to .png did some sort of compression (for some reason), so i apologize if the photos are a bit crunchy.

I’ve been taking the game route by route. For some reason this route was filled with the largest assortment of enemies that steamrolled my team. This old ladies Carbink wiped the floor with my Level 24 Litten. Then, once i got it down to the last sliver of health, she used a potion on it. And annoyingly i had to start over.

Then there were these two twins, which also served an issue. My Litten was paralyzed by this point from an earlier encounter with a Mareep where it licked it. Luckily i feel like paralysis in the later games are far more merciful (i feel like in RSE it was the most brutal).

And then, finally, at the end of this route. I came across these two. Their rufflet just would not die. It kept dodging attacks, or the Demo ash Greninja i have on my team would not listen to commands. I ended up having to fall back on it and Uncle Tony (the snorlax) because the rest of my team was down. Somehow i made it though. I even got a chance to use the Normal Z-Crystal i have and got this shot of Uncle Tony on his way to mow down the Vullaby:

Somehow, that whole route took an entirety of 40 minutes. I think part of it was the time i took playing with the photo function though and trying to catch pokemon on the route. I stopped right before moving onto the trial though.


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