California Fire Relief Bundle - 422 items (187 digital games) for $10 (
from to on 01 Mar 17:10


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[deleted] on 01 Mar 17:56 next collapse

. on 01 Mar 18:16 next collapse

Yes, you install them through desktop mode then load them into steam as a non steam game. Then they’ll show up in game mode. There’s also a decky plugin that easily lets you add artwork for the steam entry

[deleted] on 01 Mar 19:36 next collapse

. on 02 Mar 03:50 collapse

The ‘SteamGridDB’ plugin is the one which does this! on 02 Mar 15:03 collapse

The quick check is to search for a game on Proton DB and see how well it runs (usually pretty well!) on 01 Mar 18:22 next collapse

The point of this is obviously the charity, but I’m not gonna lie, after a quick look at the included games, if Tunic wasn’t in this bundle I would feel ripped off paying $10 for it.

I don’t see any of those other games combined being worth $10 to me. Multiple visual novels / story games, puzzle games, and many games that look like a generic Kemco published RPG Maker game but with a pastel color palette this time. Again, I get that the point of this is charity, but Tunic is literally the only game that I would say brings value to this bundle. If someone already owns Tunic and is considering this, I would say to just directly donate the money. on 01 Mar 18:51 next collapse

Besides Tunic, there are still several good to great games in the first dozen (and no doubt a bunch more if you’re willing to dig into the smaller indies):

  • Cook, Serve, Delicious - Overwhelmingly Positive (95% of 3,631) all time
  • Hoa - Very Positive (89% of 2,098) all time
  • Tangle Tower - Overwhelmingly Positive (95% of 4,760) all time
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch - Very Positive (93% of 8,480) all time
  • Whispering Willows - Very Positive (81% of 1,166) all time
  • Hidden Folks - Overwhelmingly Positive (97% of 7,333) all time
  • Eldritch - Very Positive (88% of 1,673) all time
  • They Bleed Pixels - Very Positive (84% of 2,014) all time on 01 Mar 20:12 collapse

God... Cook, Serve, Delicious! is so fucking good. Tbh, I still think it's the best one even though I have all of them. on 01 Mar 21:21 collapse

Really? 1 doesn’t let you do advance meal prep, whereas CSD2 does (I haven’t tried CSD3 yet). Anyway, both 2 and 2 are in this bundle. on 02 Mar 00:28 collapse

Yeah, I prefer the gameplay in 1 because it's more fun and fast-paced to me. You can disagree if you want, doesn't affect my enjoyment at all. I'm confused why I got downvoted for my opinion. on 02 Mar 01:42 collapse

I didn’t downvote you! I only downvote trolls. Anyway, that’s fair, since the lack of prep forces players to be quick on the trigger, so to speak. I guess I seek a bit more “realism” in a sense, since actual restaurants always prep. I wonder if 3 might strike a decent medium… on 01 Mar 20:16 next collapse

You don't have to support every bundle if you don't like the games. Trashing the bundles you don't like is just sorta lame. It also covertly mocks the people who are interested in buying it.

Inb4 a comment about how most of these aren't digital games so this bundle is useless. on 01 Mar 21:18 next collapse

Octodad is well worth $10 even with how old it is. on 01 Mar 21:19 next collapse

If someone already owns Tunic and is considering this, I would say to just directly donate the money.

Or just like… Donate through the bundle and consider trying out some minor projects created by people who are trying to make something cool? Why turn down access to these games out of some form of perceived superiority? This notion that since you’ve never heard of these other titles they can’t possible offer anything of value to you is kind of a spit in the face of struggling artists of all types. on 01 Mar 21:25 next collapse

I actually disliked Tunic, just saying. I got more enjoyment out of Cosmic Express and Delver (and I didn’t even like the final fight in Delver). Whatever floats your boat… on 02 Mar 23:53 collapse

Same. I gave Tunic a fair shot until I had to use a guide to get further due to the devs cheaply hiding a teleport gate in the map. Plus the spirit gauntlet was its own bit of bs on 03 Mar 02:04 collapse

Yes, it was the cheap camera tricks obscuring parts of the map that you could go to that did it for me. It was, like, basically making you check for every possible secret despite the limited abilities of no camera control nor destructible terrain… I get that there was an era of games with this mindset (sorta like some Metroid-&-other games, I suppose), but I just don’t have time for that any more.

This may sound odd to some, but my stance towards quality games is: punish fairly. Life is hard enough as it is so I don’t need a game also going, “Haha, well, screw you here, too.” Thanks for coming to my TED talk. on 01 Mar 23:58 next collapse

To each their own. I have no idea what Tunic is, I got it for

  • charity
  • Cook Serve Delicious
  • Blobun
  • Octodad

The fact you say it has lots of VNs and puzzle games suggests there is more in the bundle I’ll like if I just explore more as those genres are to my taste. on 02 Mar 03:27 collapse

Octodad is unironically worth $10 on 02 Mar 02:45 next collapse

Yeah, all bundles have been like this. A few good ones and the rest hardly even worth playing for free.

But if you want to donate directly, you can do that here:

Charity navigator gives them a 98% and four stars: on 02 Mar 05:21 next collapse

Pfft! You sound like an Octopus pretending to be a real dad, you can’t fool me! on 02 Mar 12:10 collapse

I bought it because my son has been asking for Skatebird, but we also enjoyed an hour playing Ripped Pants at Work together and I’ll give Delver a go later tonight.

Thats the thing with bundles, different titles will appeal to different people. on 02 Mar 01:43 next collapse

It looks like there are a few games I was slightly interested in trying at some point, but not enough to buy them, but having so many together as a single purchase, I couldn’t resist. I even paid the default price of $20 instead of $10. on 02 Mar 06:34 next collapse

This is… A whole lot of games.

I did love tunic, fantastic game, easily worth that price on its own.

I’ve never played cook serve delicious, but it’s been on my radar. I’ll have to give this a shot. Heh, there are some tabletop games and rulesets on this list, could be some hidden gems in there. Honestly, this is a big enough bundle to be worth just buying on principle, and sorting it out later. So what if I don’t end up playing 400 of these titles, if I end up liking 10, that’s a fabulous deal, and all for charity! on 02 Mar 13:11 collapse

Cool Serve Delicious is tons of fun, my favorite coop cooking game for sure. My wife and I play it constantly on 01 Mar 21:15 collapse

There’s a lot of neat stuff in here! Thanks for the link.