Day 224 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots (
from to on 26 Feb 08:09

Me and my Friend played through the first level of Halo CE on LASO. I initially did the first level solo, but got stuck on the second one. So i brought him on to help out (though, i may have figured out a way to continue solo). The screenshot above i took during the first level after hopping into the little glass cockpit at the start to check things out. I’d never thought to be down there before so it was fun.

Overall, Halo CE on LASO is a lot easier than i was expecting, at least Co-Op. I’d say for me it’s about as difficult as Base Halo 2 legendary was. One thing that makes it easier is the health meter. It’s like a whole extra shield bar which is nice, it makes me dread the future games though.

There’s a ton of overshields lying around, which makes it a bit easier too. They act like Shield Recharges so i don’t have to Melee the fuck out of everything.

One thing making me love the fuck out of this though is the Grunts. As adorable as they are, there’s something cathartic about seeing them go off in a chain explosion and taking like 5 other grunts and 3 Elites with them. Being able to use them as makeshift grenades makes this way easier too.

Progress wise though, we ended up getting all the way to the bridge room in the second level. Disaster struck though as my friend’s PC crashed. So we’ll probably have to start over since Co-Op doesnt save checkpoints.


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