Six ways Microsoft’s portable Xbox could be a Steam Deck killer (
from to on 11 Mar 19:38

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threaded - newest on 11 Mar 19:49 next collapse

it will most likely run steam, so it will not be any kind of steam deck “killer”. more like “sibling”. on 11 Mar 19:55 next collapse

lol fat chance Microsoft is capable of launching a new hardware line and having the competency and staying power to be sucessful in 2025, maybe 5 years ago, but not today. on 11 Mar 20:24 next collapse

They couldn’t do it 5 years ago either. on 11 Mar 20:57 collapse

10 years ago Michaelsoft launched their own VR headset, which was such a flop you probably don’t even know it happened. on 12 Mar 05:42 collapse

I think that was the thing that gave us Young Conker, ms really knows how to use those IPs it has. on 11 Mar 20:30 next collapse

Beware when sensationalized journalists use the word “killer” cause it usually means they’re full of shit

Remember how HAZE was going to be the “halo killer?”

Remember xDefiant was the “call of duty killer?”

Ars lost a fuck ton of points from me for this dog shit sensationalized title on 11 Mar 21:06 collapse

How many Halo killers have we forgotten about at this point? on 11 Mar 20:31 next collapse

It probably won’t look exactly like this, but could you imagine if it did?

yeah. its looks awful. on 11 Mar 20:41 next collapse

Just a bunch of what ifs… that all hinge on Microsoft not doing bare minimum to get a product out. on 11 Mar 20:51 next collapse

LOL. Remember the Zune? Or Windows Phone?

What I am saying is it may be brilliant but Microsoft has a long history of being too late to the party for it to matter. on 11 Mar 23:08 next collapse

Good luck guys, do let us know how it turned out. on 12 Mar 00:33 next collapse

  • A bespoke user interface
  • A gaming-focused OS
  • [Play] More than just Xbox
  • Bring old Xbox games to PC
  • Multiple hardware tiers
  • “Made for Xbox”

Steam Deck already does 1, 2 and 3.
Now pair it with constant nags (Enhance your experience by signing into a Microsoft account, Subscribe to Gamepass! Have you tried Copilot???), and Microsoft’s inability to ever add anything new to their controllers (bye bye Gyro and Touchpads) and you’ve lost me. on 12 Mar 04:03 next collapse

I’m sure MS will shoot themselves in the foot. on 12 Mar 04:27 next collapse

That title alone is all the proof i need.

Clickbait so it’ll never live up to the claim. on 12 Mar 06:55 collapse

Shut up Ars