from to on 30 Dec 06:30
Today’s game is Red Dead Online. I got in with some friends today and we did some bounties for a quick bit. We did a 3 star and got a whole $13 from it because my friend killed the lady we needed to catch. After that we went and played some poker and this NPCs head erupted into flame.
My friend ended up getting dragged his own private poker game and i went and started a two person bounty without him. I stole a horse and rode it and my main one to the bounty before hogtying both guys and tossing them on the horse i stole and my personal one. My friend ended up driving the second horse outside of the bounty for me after he was terrorized by a hacker flying above him, he kept thwacking the guy to keep him from escaping for me. Then when i ran the first guy in my friend stayed outside and babysat the second guy until i picked him up. I got a total of $60 and 0.30 gold bars for it.
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