Playing dressup with my XCOM 2 soldiers.
from to on 18 Dec 05:00


threaded - newest on 18 Dec 05:15 next collapse

You save scum because you get too attached to your soldiers, don’t you?

It’s okay. We all do it. on 18 Dec 05:18 collapse

Not as much as you’d think. I keep my soldiers faceless and unattached until they are fairly leveled up. By the the time they get customized, they tend not to get meatgrindered. Usually.

<img alt="" src=""> on 18 Dec 08:51 next collapse

Yeah, none of mine get any customisation at all until they make Sargent.

It’s like a trip across Antarctica - don’t give the dogs names! on 18 Dec 13:04 collapse

I create them in advance so they appear in game ready-named after my friends so it really hurts when they die on 18 Dec 16:17 next collapse

I have spent so, so many hours customizing soldiers and installing mods for this game. Love to see it on 18 Dec 16:27 collapse

spend 8 hours customizing soldier

Soldier immediately dies in one hit on the next mission due to RNG hating your absolute guts

“Haha nope.”

Reloads save on 26 Dec 06:10 collapse

Ah xcom, maybe the only game from my childhood that was remade properly.