Valve have just updated the Source 1 SDK on GitHub to the latest code based on Team Fortress 2, effectively making TF2 code source available (
from to on 18 Feb 20:19


threaded - newest on 18 Feb 20:34 next collapse

Official announcement for the TF2 SDK:

This is great, but also WEIRD because Valve have historically gone after TF2 fan projects in the past few years. I guess they just changed their minds? on 18 Feb 20:54 next collapse

Damn, Valve going against fan projects is really weird. Especially considering that most of their biggest games are former mods. And they let just about anyone do something in the Half Life universe. on 18 Feb 21:16 next collapse

Not that weird when you realize they are giving out an alternative to their game filled with microtransactions on 19 Feb 14:50 next collapse

Its worth noting that all of those fan projects were based off of an old leak of the source code. Shutting them down makes sense and honestly it was weirder that it didn’t happen sooner.

Either way releasing this SDK gives the modders a brand new much more updated set of tools to make the mods all over again but this time they could even release on steam instead of just being some sort of semi-illegal back alley deal on 22 Feb 09:35 collapse

Except they can’t, they got DMCA’d so they can never do those mods ever again, they’re lost forever. on 22 Feb 09:33 collapse

Buying Campo Santo changed Valve a lot, for the worse. on 18 Feb 21:02 next collapse

Or maybe they took fan projects down because they had this in the works. on 19 Feb 00:01 collapse

Just because the source code is available it does not mean it is free to use and do with it what you want. The license explicitly states that you may use it but have to publish it for free and follow the Steam subscriber agreement. Also this is just source code, not the assets (at least as far as I understand it). on 19 Feb 01:33 next collapse

Valve has made attempts to take down projects that follow those rules. TF2Classic is the example that comes to my mind since it’s the main one I’ve played, but I know there are several others. In TF2C’s case, they tried contacting Valve to find out why they’d been hit with a C&D, never heard back, and eventually quietly resumed development.

Some kind of miscommunication between legal and the devs? Maybe internal drama? Maybe they didn’t really pay attention and still aren’t aware TF2C is back up? Who knows. Still happened tho. on 19 Feb 13:40 collapse

I don’t doubt that this happened. All I wanted to point out is, that this move doesn’t conflict in any way with such things happening. on 21 Feb 00:58 collapse

Also this is just source code, not the assets (at least as far as I understand it).

Could probably just require the official game to be installed too and load the assets from that directory, or might even be able to use the shared folder, but not sure if tf2 uses that, i remember l4d and css and hl2 used to. on 18 Feb 20:41 next collapse

This is just awesome. Though it is weird because they went after that open source tf2 remake a few years ago, maybe the team will continue now. on 18 Feb 21:29 collapse

This is the first I’m hearing of that, but I would assume any project would get sued if they copied any art assets, songs, and trademarks (logos, characters, etc). And at the time, any code they used would be suspect because of the TF2 source leak.

Obligatory IANAL. on 18 Feb 21:04 next collapse

Hopefully we’ll have a TF2 Classic version soon without all the stupid random items and with a focus on dedicated server communities.

[deleted] on 18 Feb 21:13 next collapse

. on 18 Feb 22:17 collapse

That has been a dream of mine for well over a decade. When I (rarely) play TF2 it’s with bots only, since they have all the vanilla stuff.

I miss the times when an entire team would do a Scout rush, with only the 3 vanilla weapons, just for the hell of it. It was always complete chaos. You can do it with bots, but it’s very tedious, and they only run along the ground from node to node. Give me a dozen Scouts flying off the rooftops spamming x5x5x5x5!

Also, does anyone else wish someone would bring back his crazy legs when he does the midair jump? on 19 Feb 00:26 collapse

Check out tf2 classic~ on 18 Feb 21:25 next collapse

Being able to download Team Fortress mods similar to Portal and Half Life would be epic. on 19 Feb 00:53 next collapse

Cool but Gold Source is best Source on 19 Feb 16:03 collapse

Remember that this does not include the source engine which is still closed source, good for modding but you won’t be able to do crazy ports or anything anytime soon.