Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer (
from to on 12 Jan 2024 16:29


threaded - newest on 12 Jan 2024 16:31 next collapse

Getting hard to exploit the veterans, eh? on 12 Jan 2024 18:10 collapse

Nomura would probably die if he gets any more overworked. on 12 Jan 2024 19:03 collapse

It’s gotten so bad over there, they put Yoshi-P on a mainline FF game while simultaneously heading arguably the #1 MMORPG in the market lol on 12 Jan 2024 16:47 next collapse

The Final Fantasy Franchise needs much more than just new developers. on 12 Jan 2024 16:58 collapse

Maybe they need to listen to the name and fucking end it already.

Try something new. on 12 Jan 2024 17:18 next collapse

They’ve been “trying sometime new” since final fantasy 11. on 12 Jan 2024 17:21 collapse

I mean “new” as in “Not Final Fantasy.”

Not something “new” as in “New Stuff in Final Fantasy.”

No, scrap the fucker. It’s well past done. on 12 Jan 2024 17:41 next collapse

The Final Fantasy series has many loved entries in which recurring characters, archetypes and items make a looping comeback. It is very fun to see how different those elements are handled in different entries. They just need to step back and realize not every FF needs to be a game that pushes its platform to its hardware limit. That may have worked well for them up to the PS2 era, but it’s not a thing anymore. You don’t need extreme ultra realistic eye twitching for your game to be grandiose. on 12 Jan 2024 17:51 next collapse

First of all, I don’t see how a series where each and every entry is unique and has nothing to do with the previous ones (apart from a few recurring names) could be “well past done”. They don’t even share the same gameplay or combat system.

And also, Square has “tried something new” pretty much all the time. Triangle Strategy, Live a Live, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, SaGa, Mana series (with an upcoming title next year), Dragon Quest, Octopath Traveler… I’m just listing a few, but I could go on. It’s not even a thing they suddenly decided to do. Even a few gens back, I remember playing Star Ocean, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate and other lesser known titles. If you want to go back to the PS1 days, Vagrant Story and Threads of Fate come to mind, but there are surely a lot more I’m currently forgetting. EDIT: Xenogears too! I don’t know how I could forget that one. on 12 Jan 2024 20:05 collapse

It saddens me that Lost Odyssey isn’t in this wonderful list you threw together. on 12 Jan 2024 20:47 collapse

I played Lost Odyssey and very much liked it, but it’s not Square.

It was made by Mistwalker with MS backing, after Sakaguchi left Square.

Actually, re-reading my list, I noticed that I mentioned Resonance of Fate, which wasn’t Square, either! It was published by Sega. The other titles should be correct. on 12 Jan 2024 23:41 collapse

Wait what.

Lost Odyssey is the most FF game there is. I can’t believe it wasn’t SE. on 12 Jan 2024 23:50 collapse

Mistwalker is the company founded by Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy. It should come to no surprise that the game is really evocative of many early FF titles. on 12 Jan 2024 18:19 next collapse

I get the feeling you’ve never played more than one final fantasy game. on 12 Jan 2024 19:21 next collapse

Boo this guy! on 12 Jan 2024 23:14 collapse

You don’t know what you’re talking about do you? on 12 Jan 2024 17:22 next collapse

Why though? Each Final Fantasy has its own world and whatnot. FF15 played a lot differently than FF13 which played a lot differently than FF12 which played a lot differently than FF9. They‘re all JRPGs of course but I don‘t see why they should throw away the brand recognition for the heck of it. It‘s not like they’re FIFAing. It seems to me like whoever is gonna develope the next game isn‘t gonna be held back by the name. on 12 Jan 2024 23:13 collapse

Why though?

seems to be because he’s never played any of the games to understand that, thats why. on 12 Jan 2024 23:16 collapse

It’s clear from the naming nomenclature that they’re sequels to each other without even needing to ever play them you halfwit on 12 Jan 2024 23:37 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 13 Jan 2024 00:07 next collapse

Huh, turns out you do need to play a game to know about it on 13 Jan 2024 00:26 next collapse

You forgot your “/s” on 13 Jan 2024 19:06 collapse

Honestly, I picked up on that and wasn’t offended by what they said. Shame that others didn’t and they’re being downvoted for what was supposed to be a joke. on 13 Jan 2024 02:42 collapse

Do you know what the word anthology means? on 12 Jan 2024 17:22 next collapse

Uhh what? Square Enix has a ton of games that aren’t final fantasy on 12 Jan 2024 20:05 collapse

Roflmao, yeah, it should be more along the lines of the “Yet Another Fantasy” series. False advertising is what that is /s.

Like The Never Ending Story. on 12 Jan 2024 23:21 collapse

“haha the name!”.

The laziest of “jokes” possible. on 12 Jan 2024 17:45 next collapse

I wish they would stop with the weird hack&slash/ATB combat. Also, with PC ports they should use standard PC control scheme and menus. And i get it, PC is not big in Japan, but they are selling the games to western audiences. on 12 Jan 2024 18:21 next collapse

As a big fan of the old FFs I really enjoy the new ATB and hack and slash combat. 16 is fun and I think 7R is a great middle ground as well as being a true extension of the classic ATB stuff. on 12 Jan 2024 23:16 collapse

People seem to forget that the ATB stuff started to come in at IV/V. I’m not sure I want the turned based mechanics and gameplay of games like FFII for the sake of misplaced nostalgia. Give me ATB any day over that. on 12 Jan 2024 18:21 next collapse

I would love a return to turn based combat. on 12 Jan 2024 18:26 collapse

Any return to turn-based would probably have to be careful about it. Persona 5 managed it well, but it easily reaches criticism of being too much of “Use fire on ice”. Ideally, every decision a player is making in their infinite-time turns should have some form and consequence to it. I have always hated the “solution” wherein you can turn on an Auto-Battling system. It fixes the problem, but doesn’t acknowledge that the problem is battle decisions always being completely unnecessary and routine, which itself is something that can be fixed using more intelligent game design. on 12 Jan 2024 18:44 next collapse

They already nailed the turn based system with FFX imo on 13 Jan 2024 07:32 collapse

fyi: SMT and Persona based their combat system on weak points way earlier than P5. I’m not saying it is immune to criticism, but it’s a series standard by now on 13 Jan 2024 12:47 next collapse

Ooooooooh. Ouch. “It is a series standard” is exactly the sort of weak point that leads to some big franchises like Final Fantasy staggering.

There’s a reason games like Persona gained such popularity. It is NOT because players learned to use a thunder attack on the floating pair of chairs. on 13 Jan 2024 14:10 collapse

Persona’s combat system, if tweaked correctly can be a tremendous strength: there’s a chance to have a great turn-based system in which elements play the role of the main “puzzle” to strategize over with both your demons and your party cast. I agree that Persona 5 had very little strategy in it, let’s hope for future entries to be better.

I wonder what kind of battle system the new Atlus JRPG will have on 13 Jan 2024 13:05 collapse

I think they brought up p5 specifically because it’s a super-modern turn based RPG, so the same kind of thing a new, turn based, ff would be. This modern game, despite being overall well received, got some criticism for its turn based system being too much of the “use obvious elemental weakness” style strategy, and not more novel ideas. on 12 Jan 2024 18:22 next collapse

It might be a good time to revisit some other long-running series that have managed a very good “reset” after running dry. Some examples that come to mind are Resident Evil 7, God of War, The Legend of Zelda, maybe some others.

At least for RE7 and God of War, it does feel like their overall goal was to reduce the action-packed scope, and focus more closely on something character-focused. RE7 doesn’t have crashing helicopters, and God of War doesn’t have you killing gods in the first 30 minutes. It definitely felt like an overall goal for FF16 was epic, bombastic scope and throwing around their budget, which obviously drove sales…but not as much lingering popularity as they hoped.

(Oh yeah, and plan a Steam release already. The world is not as console-obsessed as Japan)

[deleted] on 13 Jan 2024 00:18 collapse

. on 12 Jan 2024 18:27 next collapse

Square needs to hire good writers. on 12 Jan 2024 22:56 collapse

What would you consider the last Final Fantasy game they made with good writing? on 13 Jan 2024 00:17 next collapse

Final Fantasy 7: The Tale of the Mungus. on 13 Jan 2024 12:06 collapse

imho I have never experienced really good writing in any FF mainline game. Like they all have very creative and cool story arcs but it's the execution that ruins it for me. The dialogues and characters are always so cringe af, you can basically tell that the writers have based their writing framework solely on lowbrow manga. Which is fine when the dialogues weren't voiced since you could speed read trough the dialogues. Like I thought 6 and 7 were decent and 9 was okay (8 was annoying emo teen angst drama). But once they started voicing the dialogues and added longer cut scenes the bad writing just stuck out like a sore thumb. 10 was just really bad even though I loved 10 for the gameplay. I even skipped 12 because of that. With 13 they improved a bit, but with 15 they slid back almost to the level of the dialogues of 8. I haven't played 16 yet but from the trailers I've seen and based on opinions of my friends who've played it I don't have hope that the dialogues are any better.

And also Octopath and Forspoken just proofs that Square just can't write good characters and dialogues. Even when they hire non-Japanese writers. They need to look at Naughty Dog and Larian for how it's done. Neil Druckmann adheres to "Simple story complex characters" with his writing which makes his stories always compelling. While Square, and Japanese video game writers in general, always does the opposite. on 13 Jan 2024 20:17 collapse

I found myself involuntarily agreeing with most of this(except ff12 whose dialogue I actually enjoyed) on 12 Jan 2024 18:59 next collapse

I have an idea lets make a game that embodied the spirit of the successful versions, lets stop trying to court devil may cry/elden ring fans and get back to making a turn based rpg or similar to ff10.

Ff3, ff7, ff9, ff10

Are great examples of the story lines I loved. on 12 Jan 2024 19:03 next collapse


I don't know. I know I played 9 in its entirety, but it is completely un-rememberable.

But yeah, 100% lets get back to the turn-based formula it was meant to be.
Bonus if we could go back to a 5-team instead of a 3-team on 12 Jan 2024 21:25 next collapse

5, 8, 9, and 10 are the best of the earlier games and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

And this is why there can be no such thing as an “ideal” FF game outside of perhaps re-remastering 10 again. on 13 Jan 2024 00:24 next collapse

Vivi? Beatrix? Queen Brahne? Burmecia??

I found it to be one of the most memorable FFs. on 13 Jan 2024 05:39 next collapse

9 is fucking amazing. Best cast of any of that generation.

10 was the beginning of the end. on 13 Jan 2024 07:30 collapse

No, I love 12, so don’t even start on that. on 13 Jan 2024 09:40 collapse

Oh that was the super linear one with Spike and the bunny girl? on 13 Jan 2024 15:34 collapse

Explain what you mean by linear. on 13 Jan 2024 13:19 collapse

Only issue with 9 is it’s slow on 12 Jan 2024 21:33 next collapse

Preach it 🙌 on 12 Jan 2024 21:38 next collapse

It doesn’t have to be turn-based. FFXI and FFXII are also great. I feel the bigger issue is that making a story heavy game while everyone else is also making story heavy games makes it no longer unique.

I wouldn’t mind going back to ATB, but I don’t think that would win back an audience except for nostalgia points.

Maybe more FF:T though? Kinda miss that. on 13 Jan 2024 00:47 collapse

I would love a modern FFT or even a paid mobile one with good mobile controls.

[deleted] on 13 Jan 2024 01:17 collapse

. on 13 Jan 2024 09:50 next collapse

I enjoyed all of them and FFXVI too. I think it’s okay to reinvent FF combat every iteration to keep it fresh. I’m not sure if I’d enjoy a turn based combat today like I enjoyed it 20 years ago. on 13 Jan 2024 13:19 collapse

I was pretty happy to let FF innovate and leave DQ as the stable JRPG release and then they announced DQ12 would be more action focused on 13 Jan 2024 20:21 collapse

Love this idea. The turn-based system in FFX was my absolute favorite, and I was really sad they didn’t follow this direction further (even for FFX-II, like WTF). on 12 Jan 2024 21:51 next collapse

FF should be a turn based RPG. That’s it.

[deleted] on 13 Jan 2024 00:16 collapse

. on 12 Jan 2024 23:17 next collapse

Nine was the last good one. on 13 Jan 2024 00:22 next collapse

I’m old too, but 10 was good, and 10-2 had a really fun class system that reminded me of FF5.

I haven’t played 15 or 16, nor the 13 series (though I enjoyed 13, I don’t think it’s as good as the other good entires). on 13 Jan 2024 07:06 collapse

I like 9, but 10 and 12 are good as will. on 13 Jan 2024 00:59 collapse

Put the RPG back into the JRPG. Will help.