Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More (
from to on 30 Nov 2023 20:37


threaded - newest on 30 Nov 2023 20:54 next collapse

A patch with 3000+ lines of dialogue? Every other fucking developer, take notes… PLEASE on 01 Dec 2023 01:28 next collapse

“Gamers want spoken dialogue in their DLC, heard you loud and clear.” on 02 Dec 2023 00:13 collapse

Other developers have already voiced their opinions on Baldur’s Gate 3. And it’s been “Oh no! Baldur’s Gate 3 is ruining the expectations of gamers about what a game is.”

Meanwhile most people playing BG3 have been saying “Finally, some good fucking food.” on 30 Nov 2023 21:04 next collapse

No save summing on dice rolls anymore though 😢 on 30 Nov 2023 21:14 next collapse

Isn’t that just in the new difficulty? on 30 Nov 2023 21:34 collapse

Correct, just Honor Mode on 01 Dec 2023 01:26 collapse

It’s not having honor if you don’t do it yourself… on 03 Dec 2023 13:34 collapse

I’m sorry about your head injury. on 01 Dec 2023 00:55 collapse

That is aweeeesome!!! Save me from myself!! on 30 Nov 2023 21:22 next collapse

I’m glad I made sure to do a hard save before each important story moment, I have one right before the last boss dies so I should be able to jump right into the epilogue! on 30 Nov 2023 21:33 next collapse

Patch 5 also improves inventory access, letting players manage the inventory of all companions from one single UI, regardless of whether or not they’re currently in your party.

YES. I was just looking for a mod to do this but it’s so much better when the devs build out a highly-requested feature like this. on 30 Nov 2023 22:56 next collapse

While at camp, you can now access and manage the inventories of companions who aren’t in your active party.

Sounds like it’s not possible everywhere just at camp, also, the main thing I want is official autosorting containers, I use the mod but it can be janky at times, inventory management has put me off playing and I really want to I just got sick of organising loot and marking as items to sell and splitting stacks etc etc on 01 Dec 2023 01:24 next collapse

You know I was trying to figure out why I lost interest in Chapter 3 and started playing Total War, and I think this is it (also a dialogue bug that made companions start spoiling the plot…)

I’ve never been a huge fan of inventory management and after a while it gets very tedious in BG3.

Jokes on me though, I’m playing Thorek in Warhammer 2 rn and he’s a crafting lord so I turned a semi-RTS into an inventory management game anyways. on 01 Dec 2023 02:42 next collapse

Congratulations you played yourself. on 01 Dec 2023 03:52 collapse

And Total War on 03 Dec 2023 13:34 collapse

I’m sorry about your head injury. on 01 Dec 2023 11:55 collapse

Just in case you’re not aware, you can hop into camp at literally any time, you only consume supplies when taking a rest. on 30 Nov 2023 23:05 next collapse

That’s the thing I’m most excited for, honestly. on 01 Dec 2023 12:14 collapse

The inventory management in the game is shockingly bad.

“Oh, I got a new companion. I wonder what I can equip them with.”

Good luck, because the gear is scattered among your inactive companions, or the chests that might be locked to you in co-op.

“I need to take a potion mid combat”

It’s somewhere in those 20 inventory wheels!

The whole inventory weight is kind of pointless as well, since you can send to camp at any point, and there’s very few places where you can’t just go back and get something. It’s just inconvenience kept for the sake of following some arbitrary rules.

Gear especially should just be kept in a separate place from consumables and quest items, with maybe some quick swap wardrobe feature for e.g. switching to a bludgeoning weapon for smashing walls. on 01 Dec 2023 19:11 collapse

Good luck, because the gear is scattered among your inactive companions, or the chests that might be locked to you in co-op.

This has explicitly been changed this patch.

It’s just inconvenience kept for the sake of following some arbitrary rules.

It’s on one hand a BG throwback and more.importantly a minor impediment to the time-tested tactic in Larian games of “barrelmancy.” Look up some Telekinesis runs on Divinity:Original Sin to see why. on 30 Nov 2023 22:38 next collapse

Im still trying to download the last update 😭 on 30 Nov 2023 22:55 collapse

I played a bit this morning. Accidentally broke my paladin's oath while trying to get more info from a bad guy I was planning to kill.

Killed them instantly after the conversation, but that conversation broke the oath. Shouldn't have bothered either. Didn't get anything new.

And now I won't be able to savescum/press on until tomorrow at the earliest due to download speeds. I'm also on linux, so I might have to wait even longer if this patch breaks things again.

And I had a few mods...

So maybe this time next week? on 30 Nov 2023 22:59 next collapse

Am on Fedora and have no issues playing on this new patch if that helps. on 30 Nov 2023 23:17 collapse

It does.

Granted, the fix for the last patch was pretty simple. Just delete a single file and it works.

Steam might redownload that file, but who knows...

The joy of trying to run a windows only game on linux. on 01 Dec 2023 00:10 collapse

Hmm so you had to delete a file from the last patch to get it to run on Linux? I definitely didn’t have to do anything like that, running proton experimental through Steam. Curious, but what distro are you on? on 01 Dec 2023 00:16 collapse

I'm on an Arch based distro called Garuda.

This is where I found the fix.

Got to love that site. Always good to know that I'm not alone in my random errors. on 30 Nov 2023 23:36 collapse

If I’m honest, I’ve not been able to play it… at all.

Mostly because the updates are multi gig downloads and I never leave my computer in an idle long enough to actually download them lol

But that sounds rough, I hope you’re able to salvage your Paladin’s reputation soon! on 01 Dec 2023 00:20 collapse

To download the game in the first place, I had to leave my laptop running overnight. Twice.

It was rough.

As to my paladin... I'm torn. I hard saved as soon as I figured out that I had broken my oath, but I have a soft save just before it happened.

I might just press on.

I'm also playing this run as a "no illithiad powers" run. No mind control, no eating tadpoles. I'll see how long that lasts. on 01 Dec 2023 00:33 collapse


I hope it works out! on 01 Dec 2023 01:11 collapse

It should be fun a challenge, but maybe not as fun as my naked golden dragonborn monk.

At some point in the run, I just stopped and said, "fuck, I need to play this guy in tabletop game"

He has the shiniest golden scales beneath rippling muscle. He sees the physical form as perfection itself, perfection that is too godly for such window dressing as clothing. But for modesty's sake, he might be convinced to wear a schlong thong. If you ask nicely. on 01 Dec 2023 01:23 next collapse

Hahhahaha I love it on 01 Dec 2023 12:07 collapse

In the lower city there is a clothing store. They sell an outfit called Angelic Scion. It’s basically a loin cloth and some gold arm bangles. Sounds like the perfect clothes for your golden god of fists.

Here is a screenshot of it on Astarion and Shadowheart

<img alt="" src=""> on 30 Nov 2023 23:10 next collapse

Rockstar: game pricing should be based on length of play

Larian: … on 01 Dec 2023 00:46 next collapse

Larian: hold my Blingdenstone Blush on 01 Dec 2023 18:56 collapse

I mean. With 530 hours of play time, I’ve gotten to the point of like $0.11/ hour of entertainment and I’d gladly pay them for more lol

[deleted] on 30 Nov 2023 23:37 next collapse

. on 01 Dec 2023 03:57 collapse

Damn Wyvern Toxin was making noise anyway, so I stopped doing it 😂 on 01 Dec 2023 12:17 collapse

At one point something started making a sound like a passing train in our playthrough, which somehow got louder during conversations.

Had to reboot the console to get rid of it. Still have no idea what it was. Just Act III things I guess. on 01 Dec 2023 00:30 next collapse

They should have just delayed the game until early next year, at least they are working on it fast though I guess. on 01 Dec 2023 03:58 collapse

Bro you’re on crack, I have 150 hours in the game with zero crashes, this is all just extreme detail. Have you even played on 01 Dec 2023 04:50 next collapse

Yeah I got 300 hours and the game starts to fall apart in act 2 and shits the bed in act 3, bugs and loads of inconsistencies. I have never crashed either. The fact they are not just fixing bugs but adding to the story shows that there was a lot missing and the amount of QoL features that should have existed from the start is insane. Their scope was a bit too big imo and they should have kept it a shorter but more polished game.
It's a shame because the start of the game was fantastic. Like I said though, they are working through it which is good, but doesn't change the fact I bought an early access game that wasn't labelled as such. on 01 Dec 2023 06:46 next collapse

I’m always curious about these crashes and bugs people are talking about.

I’m on my fourth complete playthrough with just short of 700 hours played and have not had any crashes that weren’t my own fault. I used the unlimited carry weight mod on a playthrough. Turns out if you select the throw option when you have 1000 items in your inventory the game doesn’t like that.

Other than that my experience has had no gameplay issues or bugs. The only complaint I’ve had is some characters don’t have any dialogue referencing things that occurred in the game that they absolutely SHOULD have something to say about. Sounds like this patch might just fix that issue. on 01 Dec 2023 11:03 collapse

I wish I had the same luck. I have done a few play throughs (not all the way mind you) with friends and we encountered the some of the same bugs and new bugs each time. Some may be very easy to overlook and I imagine this is what a lot of people who 'dont experience any bugs' do subconciously. (You can check the patch notes for a list of bugs they have fixed and over the 5 patches, its a lot. So your curiousity can be quenched there I guess.)

However, when I enjoy a game, every little problem will stand out to me and when its stuff that exists almost everytime, then I wonder if Larian even played their own game (which funnily enough is a running joke between us since DOS2). on 01 Dec 2023 18:10 collapse

I beat the game on PC about a month ago on 01 Dec 2023 12:24 collapse

I can only assume that you never touched co-op, or started playing in the last week, because that absolutely was not the launch experience for me and many others.

It is much better now, but it’s clear it was rushed out with a few months of development still to go. Which allegedly they did because they were worried about Starfield.

Even broken it’s probably the GOTY, but it did make certain things a lot more frustrating than they should have been and we spent a lot of time doing saves and waiting for the save to finish before continuing such was the prevalence of crashes to PS5 desktop. There was more than one fight we had to do from scratch because the following cutscene shat the bed. on 01 Dec 2023 20:34 collapse

Having played co-op on launch week, I didn’t really see many problems. There was a glitch here or there in act 3, but much less than anyone could expect from a game of this size. I never had to reload any saves, and the game never crashed. The only obvious glitches were certain events happening out of order or not happening when they were supposed to. Apart from that, certain class abilities and features didn’t always work correctly, but every cRPG ever released has had those, and has them to this day. on 01 Dec 2023 03:37 next collapse

damn that’s just wild! on 01 Dec 2023 11:59 next collapse

There are so many other games to play that I’m still probably on the plan to postpone my second playthrough until the Definitive Edition comes out (probably next summer), but this is a much needed patch.

The way Larian describes the new epilogue, I’m thinking this is them re-adding some of the “17 000 endings” they were talking about pre launch. In any case, more and better epilogues were sorely needed so this is great.

Hopefully they can keep salvaging cut content and polish up Act 3 until it reaches the same quality of the other two. on 01 Dec 2023 13:47 collapse

Did they ever release the updated FSR patch they were aiming to release a while ago? I love content updates like this, but FSR is the main thing I'm hoping to see next. on 01 Dec 2023 14:02 collapse

Pretty sure fsr 2.1 is in the game now as of the last big update. on 01 Dec 2023 14:29 collapse