PS5 Pro announcement plans and console design have been leaked [VGC] (
from to on 29 Aug 17:29


threaded - newest on 29 Aug 17:31 next collapse

No disk drive is no purchase from me. I even saved up the money to buy one, but I won’t without a disk drive. on 29 Aug 18:40 next collapse

i mean…you could always buy the add-on disc drive? Assuming that it is still compatible with the Pro, not sure why it wouldn’t be. They get to fleece physical media heads for an extra $80, that’s a win for Sony. on 29 Aug 19:19 next collapse

Ehhh if most people don't care about the disk, then i guess good they don't need to pay for it. Reduce waste

But i bougtht the console for the disk feature and use it as media center. on 29 Aug 20:36 next collapse

I did not know that was a thing and I absolutely would buy one. Thank you. on 29 Aug 20:47 collapse

awesome! just double-check that it’s compatible with the new one before dropping the extra $80! Nothing about the Pro is official yet, so we still gotta wait and see. on 30 Aug 08:06 collapse

I bet that hardly anyone buys the add on drive and they use that as a reason to completely drop physical media support in the PS6. on 30 Aug 12:25 collapse

Why wouldn’t they? Something like 93℅ of game sales are digital already. Physical games are almost extinct. on 30 Aug 12:45 collapse

Oh I agree they should. Physical game sales are a PITA. on 29 Aug 20:28 collapse

Yeah I think we’ve learned by now that if you can’t touch it, you don’t own it. I’m tired of “leasing” software. on 30 Aug 07:25 collapse

The kicker is that owning the disk entitles you to a piece of plastic, and not much more at the moment. When servers go down, or day one patches are no longer available, the disk becomes no better than a coaster for many modern games. on 01 Sep 06:49 collapse

Yeah that’s a fair point. But you should still be able to play offline. I’m not much of an online gamer anyways. on 29 Aug 19:00 next collapse

Why do they insist on making it so ugly? on 29 Aug 20:46 next collapse

the hardware design team is so far up their own asses with the PS5 design. Here’s two articles where you can read how high they are on their own supply: One, Two on 29 Aug 22:45 next collapse

Reading the first link, I can almost see them sniffing their own farts. How much do they get paid for this? I’m thinking of switching careers. on 30 Aug 03:51 collapse

Fat PS3 are still the best console design. on 30 Aug 16:26 collapse

I love it, it looks like a fish. on 29 Aug 20:03 collapse

Ah so my waiting was worth it not buying the ps5 when it came out. Hurrah!