The future of Twitch: safety, growth, and the importance of finding community (
from to on 15 Jul 2024 20:40


threaded - newest on 15 Jul 2024 21:57 next collapse

Oh look, it’s the semi-annual “we fucked up” press release. Please take us back, we promise we’ll only be abusive when you really deserve it. 🤮 on 15 Jul 2024 23:37 collapse

Oops we did a fucky wucky. Pwweze spend Bezos Bwucks uwu

[deleted] on 16 Jul 2024 04:50 next collapse

. on 16 Jul 2024 04:55 collapse

Twitch hasn’t been about community in a long time, ever since they removed the friends feature and started gatekeeping most communication behind handing over a phone number.

Never forget this, they can’t be both, they try so hard to pretend that they are but they’re a business first and foremost, not a place to find actual community, if they were they wouldn’t also have any adverts or ask you for money to have all the features real communities let you have for free.