really robs the dramatic tension
from to on 07 Oct 2024 16:35
from to on 07 Oct 2024 16:35
[alt text: text that says: “boss: kills me for the 20th time & takes me back to the unskippable cutscene before the battle
boss: ‘You’re finally here’.
me: ‘UrFiNaLIY hEaR’ (in a mocking voice)” Below the text is an image of the Mocking SpongeBob meme, which shows Spongebob acting like a chicken.
threaded - newest
Me: You have wasted what little free time I have with a bad design choice that you could easily have avoided. Since I can’t skip your cut scenes, I will instead skip your games.
correction: UrFiNaLIY hEaR is said before the boss says it
Every day in standup
Elden Ring really got this right by playing the cool cut scene once and then every attempt after goes straight into the fight. Could’ve done with closer sites/shrines in a few of the fights, though
Same with Remnant II, only that you can skip the initial cutscene aswell.
And the cool cutscenes are skippable even on your first time encountering the boss (great for multiple play throughs). The one run back I can remember being annoying is Rennala.