is this true?
from to on 16 Sep 16:03

Tanooki Mario (comfy man in pajamas), and uhhhh…well i don’t really have a Smash main, I like to play all kinds of different styles. Which I guess also fits the question…


threaded - newest on 16 Sep 16:25 next collapse

Bowser for Kart and Kirby for smash… makes sense on 16 Sep 17:07 collapse

Kirby for smash

<img alt="" src="">

😏 on 16 Sep 17:27 collapse

Guess I don’t exist as I don’t play either. on 16 Sep 20:45 collapse

well you exist and you matter to me, so i guess this one doesn’t apply to you on 16 Sep 20:51 collapse

Um, oh, okay? on 16 Sep 22:04 collapse

too forward? sorry, i just like to make sure everyone feels included. on 16 Sep 22:24 collapse

I appreciate the intent, but yeah, when people who don’t know me at all/that well say I matter to them etc I tend to think “how could they when they don’t know me?” I’m not sure if that’s correct or not, but it is how I feel.

Hope you are doing well though, and no real harm done. on 16 Sep 16:32 next collapse

Luigi and Fox on 16 Sep 16:58 next collapse

Whoa now save some for the rest of us on 16 Sep 17:08 collapse

Be, uh, careful with that barrel roll. on 16 Sep 16:32 next collapse

Waluigi for Kart and Mr. Game and Watch for Smash. I have no idea what this says about me. on 16 Sep 16:49 next collapse

Everyone thinks u a freak but really u like it old-school on 16 Sep 16:51 collapse

Damn, this is more accurate than horoscopes. You got me. on 17 Sep 17:00 collapse

Damn that’s exactly my setup! Whatever it says about us, in my opinion you got your stuff figured out on 16 Sep 16:49 next collapse

Toad and Jigglypuff.

Why u do dis to me? on 16 Sep 21:52 collapse

You’re a kind person and considerate lover. Bit of a drama queen though on 16 Sep 16:52 next collapse

Dry Bones and Toon Link. Ut-oh. on 16 Sep 17:00 next collapse

Baby Rosalina and Kirby? Idk what that would mean. on 16 Sep 17:01 next collapse

  • Petey Piranha
  • Mewtwo

No idea. on 16 Sep 17:09 next collapse

Metal Peach and King Dedede 😏 on 16 Sep 21:54 collapse

You’re not afraid to throw that thiccness around on 16 Sep 17:10 next collapse

Waluigi and Wario. I like to eat motorcycles in bed I guess on 16 Sep 18:25 collapse

i’m putting you on speed dial on 16 Sep 17:11 next collapse

  • Rosalina, teddy bear / sm red wheels
  • Lucina

<img alt="bee blush hide emoji" src=""> on 16 Sep 18:24 collapse

“you think this is cute? wait til you see my sword.” on 16 Sep 18:41 collapse

Just don’t compare mine to Marth’s … on 16 Sep 18:57 collapse

i hear his is only powerful at the tip on 16 Sep 17:11 next collapse

Kart: Mii w/MegaMan suit

Smash: I don’t play

😒 on 16 Sep 17:15 collapse

Welp, you don’t get a choice, you’re asexual now whether you like it or not. Meme says it, so it’s true. on 16 Sep 17:26 collapse

That’s not what asexual means. on 16 Sep 17:28 collapse

Not being interested in sex is different than not being interested in a game? That’s how I read it, anyway. Apologies if it came off otherwise. on 16 Sep 18:02 collapse

Asexuality is about not experiencing sexual attraction, not about being interested in sex or not.

Some asexuals are also not interested in sex: Sex Repulsed

Some don’t care: Sex indifferent

Some want it: Sex favourable

Of course, then there is the spectrum including Grey Aces: Sometimes feel sexual attraction under certain circumstances, and Demisexuals who are only sexually attracted when they have a strong emotional connection to someone.

There are other labels under the asexual-spectrum but those are the most well known. on 16 Sep 18:05 collapse

Forgive me, but to me not experiencing sexual attraction reads the same as “not being interested” because you don’t experience sexual attraction. (Why would you be interested in something you have no attraction to?) Cheers. on 16 Sep 18:09 next collapse

No, I corrected my post with more detail, hope you can see the edit.

Anyway, no people can be interested in sex for other reasons like enjoying the physical sensations etc, just because someone isn’t sexually attracted to someone doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in the act itself. on 16 Sep 18:17 collapse

I appreciate all of the discourse. But I would like to clarify that the OP clearly states that one’s Smash main is how they are in the sheets. As someone who does not play Smash, that means I do not exist in the sheets. Whatever the proper terminology is, fair is fair, and I accept my fate.

…just as long as everyone knows that IRL I have lots and lots of sex ~sometimes~. With actual people. Sometimes more than one. This is all very true and I totally would not lie on the internet. on 16 Sep 18:26 collapse

Okidoke, hope you are getting what you want and need out of life fully consensually and everyone else are getting their needs and wants met too.

As for me, I’ll keep not existing in both the streets and the sheets. on 16 Sep 18:24 collapse

To answer the question in the brackets, it’s not about being attracted to sex itself or not, it’s about not being attracted to someone sexually (as in not finding a person sexually attractive). But sex can still be interesting and/or enjoyable to someone for various reasons besides being attracted to someone. on 16 Sep 17:16 next collapse

I don’t play Kart or Smash because I don’t own Nintendo consoles anymore and haven’t in a hot decade.

I guess that just makes me old ha. An old fogey not in the streets or in the sheets. on 16 Sep 21:55 collapse

Asexual hermit on 16 Sep 22:00 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 19 Sep 10:24 collapse

Asexual is a lack of sexual attraction to other people, not whether you have or want sex or not. on 16 Sep 17:30 next collapse

Luigi / Duck Hunt. What the hell does that mean? on 16 Sep 17:31 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 16 Sep 17:48 next collapse

Damn im the same, Id say it means we anxious but we got that dog in us for better or worse on 16 Sep 18:22 collapse

there’s a reason the announcer does that very pronounced pause between “Duck” and “Hunt” on 16 Sep 19:10 collapse

Lol on 16 Sep 17:30 next collapse

Rosalina for Kart and Isabel for smash. I wonder what that would make me? on 16 Sep 18:25 collapse

you always like to be in control on 16 Sep 17:39 next collapse

Shy Guy

Ganondorf on 16 Sep 17:44 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 16 Sep 18:23 collapse

Muy suavamente on 17 Sep 11:47 collapse

Fem but Dom? on 16 Sep 17:51 next collapse

Villager for Smash,
Mario/Rosilina for Mario kart. on 16 Sep 18:09 next collapse

But I've never played smash. What does that mean? Oh! Oh. on 16 Sep 20:43 collapse

ironically that raises your chances of getting to smash astronomically on 16 Sep 19:13 next collapse

Baby Peach and Peach. on 16 Sep 19:42 next collapse

Metal Mario and Captain Falcon. What does that mean? on 16 Sep 20:43 collapse

hard on the streets, fast in the sheets. on 17 Sep 10:37 collapse

Oof on 16 Sep 19:45 next collapse

Waluigi and Samus.

What this says about me is that I’m a lanky crook who underneath the rough veneer is a clumsy weirdo with a hyperfixation on birds??? I guess that’s actually pretty accurate, though the slang is pretty archaic there. on 16 Sep 20:17 next collapse

HAHAHAHA King Boo and Kirby. In that order. Annoyingly it works well. on 16 Sep 20:43 collapse

Observers may THINK that you wear the pants in this relationship. But in reality, you are baby. on 16 Sep 21:51 next collapse

Yoshi in Mario kart and sheik in smash. What am I like? on 16 Sep 22:06 next collapse

Mario in Mario Kart

Roy in Melee

Thoughts…? on 17 Sep 11:46 collapse

Baaic, slightly cocky? Idk on 16 Sep 22:14 next collapse

Villager (fem)

Samus, also been playing shulk recently on 16 Sep 22:29 collapse

Samus, also been playing shulk recently

zero suit samus and shirtless shulk, of course? on 16 Sep 22:37 collapse

No, standard samus. But zero suit samus is,something. As for shulk. Good Ariel’s I guess. Don’t use the modes often on 16 Sep 23:31 collapse

aha i just badly wanted to find out that your two mains are the two skimpiest characters in the roster (except maybe bayonetta ig) on 17 Sep 06:24 collapse

Oh :p on 16 Sep 23:05 next collapse

Yoshi and the villager (the rocket dude). on 16 Sep 23:21 next collapse

Link and Young Link on 16 Sep 23:30 collapse

that is…hm… on 16 Sep 23:31 collapse

Oh…I didn’t even see it until I typed it. on 16 Sep 23:46 next collapse

MarioKart - Yoshi

Smash Bros - Samus

Mario Party - Monty Mole

It also makes one hell of a Fuck/Marry/Kill on 16 Sep 23:53 next collapse

MarioKart: Bowser

Smash: Solid Snake (or Link depending on which Smash Bros)

I dunno what the Kart says about me but I am pretty sure my Smash character says my snake is solid and I wanna play with your box. on 17 Sep 00:55 next collapse

Baby daisy and random on 17 Sep 01:27 next collapse

Isabelle in MarioKart and… Young Link in Smash Bros… ☹️

[deleted] on 17 Sep 03:15 next collapse

. on 17 Sep 04:34 next collapse

Yoshi and Marth. In summary, I am what they call a “basic bitch.” Minna, miteite kure on 17 Sep 06:09 collapse

My beginner Japanese says that means: “Everyone, watch please?”. Is that about right? I’m still struggling with conjugations on 17 Sep 06:26 collapse

That is the translation I’ve seen, so kudos! It’s Marth’s default taunt voice line. I got really used to hearing it back in the day, usually interrupted as my cockiness got punished. on 17 Sep 08:22 next collapse

Luigi and king dedede

Idk what this implies but I guess I like it? on 17 Sep 08:41 next collapse

Isabelle, just Isabelle on 17 Sep 12:22 next collapse

Yoshi and Kirby respectively

I just think they’re neat. on 17 Sep 16:40 collapse

Works either way. on 17 Sep 14:30 next collapse

Dry Bowser/Rosalina in the streets, Cloud/R.O.B./Pyra+Mythra/Mr. Game & Watch/Sepiroth in the sheets

I like to switch around a lot on 17 Sep 16:16 next collapse

Toad in the streets, Mr. Game and Watch in the sheets. on 18 Sep 12:52 collapse

Koopa Trooper in the streets, Link in the sheets.

(I look like a scumbag, but I will treat you like a princess) on 17 Sep 16:50 next collapse

Daisy for Kart. Daisy for Smash.

<img alt="" src="">

Hi, I’m Daisy.

(Jokes aside, probably the closest thing I have to a main in Smash is Hero) on 17 Sep 17:13 next collapse

Drybones for kart and Bowser for smash

yea, I’m that guy nobody likes to play with ;( on 17 Sep 17:42 next collapse

Toad in the streets, Link in the sheets.

You know, I think that’s accurate. on 17 Sep 17:48 next collapse

Mii in the streets, Captain Falcon in the sheets? The first one sure, but I have yet to Falcon Punch a pussy and am also not into degradation. on 18 Sep 09:24 collapse

🤣 on 18 Sep 00:58 next collapse

Luigi in Mario Kart, Link or Marth or Mewtwo, depending on which Smash game. on 18 Sep 09:23 collapse

Link if on extacy, Marth if on coke, Mewtwo if on ACID

??? on 18 Sep 01:59 next collapse

cat peach

wii fit trainer

what does this mean on 18 Sep 05:13 next collapse


(Like all other combinations) on 18 Sep 14:32 collapse

How you doin’? on 18 Sep 09:44 next collapse

Pyra / Mythra in Smash. Does that mean I am the big boobies girl in the sheets? on 18 Sep 12:29 collapse

Waluigi for both. on 18 Sep 18:10 collapse

I assume this is a self own because Waluigi isn’t in smash