Y2K25 (thedailywtf.com)
from tedu@inks.tedunangst.com to inks@inks.tedunangst.com on 02 Jan 2025 02:14

Twenty five years ago today, the world breathed a collective sight of relief when nothing particularly interesting happened. Many days begin with not much interesting happening, but January 1st, 2000 was notable for not being the end of the world. I’m of course discussing the infamous Y2K bug. We all know the story: many legacy systems were storing dates with two digits- 80 not 1980, and thus were going to fail dramatically when handling 00- is that 1900 or 2000?

Over the past few weeks, various news outlets have been releasing their “25 years later” commentary, and the consensus leans towards this was no big deal, and totally fine. Nothing bad happened, and we all overreacted. There may have been some minor issues, but we all overreacted back then. So I want to take a moment to go back to the past, and talk about the end of the 90s. Let’s go for it.

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