This Week in KDE – Adventures in Linux and KDE (
from to on 25 Nov 2023 08:31


threaded - newest on 25 Nov 2023 09:11 collapse

221 bug fixes holy moly on 25 Nov 2023 09:48 collapse

only 63,284 left on 25 Nov 2023 10:15 collapse

This. I just started playing with Linux desktop in a VM and I’m not sure if it’s because it’s virtualized but I’ve had to kill plasma and relaunch or reboot several times because KDE is playing silly buggers. on 25 Nov 2023 11:57 next collapse

You could try booting KDE neon Unstable in a VM on the same machine. If you can still reproduce it I’m sure the KDE devs would appreciate a bug report.

Plasma 5 has been rock solid for me on real hardware. on 25 Nov 2023 13:00 collapse

In fairness to KDE, yes, VMs absolutely can cause issues, and it’s likely you’d experience fewer of them if you ran it on real hardware.

But yeah, Plasma is relatively buggy. This is improving at a rapid rate, though - Plasma 4 and early Plasma 5 were straight up unusable, hence distros flocking to Gnome (KDE actually used to be the standard!)

The difference in stability between Plasma 5.27 and versions before about 5.16 is night and day. And Plasma 6 has been repeatedly pushed back so that it can be stable from the get-go. on 25 Nov 2023 13:37 collapse

I’ll check the version later. I wonder if Debian is using an old version and it’s worth enabling back ports for plasma. Ultimately I’m after stability, hence picking Debian. on 26 Nov 2023 00:29 collapse

Debian doesn’t ship bugfix releases of our software. If you want a stable experience in the actual meaning of the word instead of just something that doesn’t change, almost every other distro will be a better choice