ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released (
from to on 21 Jun 04:21

-New Features

Document Editor

Spreadsheet Editor

Presentation Editor


PDF Editor

Fixes Security


threaded - newest on 21 Jun 05:50 next collapse

Best office suite for Linux (unless you’re paranoid about its origin). on 21 Jun 05:56 next collapse

They still haven’t an arm64 version :( such a build was apparently considered but ultimately not made on 21 Jun 06:39 collapse

If you really wanted to, couldn’t you just compile it yourself? on 21 Jun 07:19 collapse

If it were that simple they would have done it.

It’s sometimes (very often) not as simple as asking the compiler to switch architecture and hit the go button. on 21 Jun 06:01 next collapse

not just its origin, but the trackers embedded within:… on 21 Jun 06:05 next collapse

Don’t remember hearing of it in the free open-source desktop version. on 21 Jun 11:54 collapse

There is no free and open source version of Only Office. It fakes that it is licensed with AGPL, but they have added the following to the license, which in effect completely forbid you to redistribute it. It can be said to be Source Available.

The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.

Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU AGPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo in the upper left corner of the user interface when distributing the software.

Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.…/LICENSE on 21 Jun 12:09 next collapse

Typical Russian law abuse this is. Well source available is still not that bad in terms of security and privacy. At least it’s not fully proprietary on 21 Jun 17:45 collapse

From the AGPL:

b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;

Requiring the use of a trademarked logo, you won’t allow the use of, doesn’t seem very reasonable to me. on 21 Jun 21:46 collapse

I agree and the requirement for an exact placement of attribution is not very friendly to derivate works either. I don’t think that section 7 of AGPL allow adding anything other than the exact terms in section 7 and it has a clause that allow removing non-permissive additions to the AGPL, but I’ve sent an e-mail to FSF asking what their position is. I would be very concerned picking AGPL as a license for my projects, if section 7 allow adding clauses like that. Anyhow the clauses were added in this commit, so anything prior to 7.3.0 is normal AGPL. on 21 Jun 10:36 next collapse

Its only in Android version, not flatpak version on 21 Jun 12:27 collapse

Thats mobile, does LO even have a mobile app? on 21 Jun 06:31 next collapse

It is significantly less powerful when compared to LibreOffice, lacking support for many features. It offers less applications than LibreOffice. It is significantly less customizable than LibreOffice. It’s built on bloated web tech. It lacks RTL support.

I am not paranoid about OnlyOffice’s origin. I also do not think it is the best office suite on Linux by a mile. on 21 Jun 06:37 next collapse

It is better in terms of formatting compatibility which is the only thing that matters for 98% of users. Btw I use LibreOffice because security. on 22 Jun 08:20 collapse

True, that’s the sole reason I use it over LO. Also combining ppt-s, docx-s and others into one app is pretty comfy ngl. on 21 Jun 10:48 next collapse

Yeah I only use OnlyOffice if someone sends me a .docx file, buuuuuut it does have interesting looking collaborative features and cryptpad uses it 👀 on 21 Jun 11:19 next collapse

Doesn’t it also only support Microsoft Office formats? on 21 Jun 12:25 collapse

No, it supports the same formats as LO, but better. on 21 Jun 12:25 collapse

What? The PDF editor in LO is the only thing that is better. And it has all kinds of text rendering issues. OO is by far more universally compatible. on 21 Jun 09:37 collapse

What is the problem with its origin? on 21 Jun 10:11 collapse

It’s mainly developed by a big Russian company but the brand is registered in another country to avoid sanctions on 21 Jun 13:16 collapse

Oh okay thanks for the info. I don’t think it’s such a problem because it’s open source and the code can be reviewed.

Also I’m not sure American companies are less evil than companies from other superpowers. on 21 Jun 16:12 collapse

“other superpowers” 🤡 on 21 Jun 06:00 next collapse

I really liked it, I had the Flatpak version installed, but when opening larger text documents (with 20+ pages) it took forever to open them, so I stopped using it. on 21 Jun 06:26 next collapse


Is it French?

;-) on 21 Jun 07:56 next collapse

Why the French, ONY-chan? on 21 Jun 09:48 next collapse

Thanks. Fixed on 22 Jun 13:26 collapse

I’m confused, why French? on 22 Jun 14:29 next collapse

Because not Japanese :) on 23 Jun 00:11 collapse

more confused french noises on 22 Jun 21:58 collapse

on y office maybe? that could be interpreted as “we work there” with very poor grammar on 23 Jun 00:14 collapse

That actually would make more sense :D on 21 Jun 08:40 next collapse

It’s always great that there is an alternative, although I use LibreOffice myself. on 21 Jun 12:28 collapse

I used to love LO, but they just gave up on MS compatibility. Every time I opened anything the fonts would be off, or alignment would not work, or formatting was changed. If they’d fix all that I might switch back, but until then, OO all the way. on 21 Jun 12:31 next collapse

@fmstrat @fireshell I'll personally use only office if needed (I have to use a pptx or docx file), but appart from that LO is perfect (and latex can be great too depending on what you're doing) on 21 Jun 13:29 collapse

with microsoft fonts installed I actually found that libreoffice displayed the docx file I wanted to edit better than onlyoffice. on 22 Jun 02:38 collapse

Now thats am interesting idea. Do you have a specific method for doing this? on 22 Jun 02:50 next collapse

I’m not the guy you replied to, but MS fonts are kinda free to download. Not free enough they can just put them into a package but there’s a defined method for downloading them. Most distros have a package that will automatically do this. On Debian it’s ttf-mscorefonts-installer which will download the fonts and install them when it gets to the configuration part of the package install. You can probably search for a similar package for your distro. on 22 Jun 03:14 collapse

I use Debian, so that’s perfect. Thank you. I will probably still use OO for the web integration with Nextcloud, but always willing to try other methods. on 22 Jun 20:55 collapse

I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory. on 22 Jun 21:27 collapse

What is this… Wiiindooowws partitiiiion? … you speak of… on 22 Jun 06:58 collapse

No love for russian sanction-bypass product on 22 Jun 10:55 collapse

Do you have a link providing clear info on that? Because I have seen only comments, no serious analysis on security whatsoever… on 23 Jun 07:02 collapse

Sure, here’s the original investigation on its Russian origin:… (Dou is the ukrainian IT forum).

Note I didn’t claim anything about technical security. It’s more of an ethical issue. Even if it’s FOSS (which, as seen in the other subthread, its merely pretending to be), it’s helping russian government.

If you want to consider security — security starts with trust. And GRU/FSB will infiltrate and use any segment of supply chain it has in its reach, being less constrained with any laws than NSA. Are you sure that malicious code will be caught in time like with xz?