NVIDIA 550.90.07 Linux Graphics Driver Is Out Now with Various Bug Fixes (9to5linux.com)
from petsoi@discuss.tchncs.de to linux@lemmy.ml on 05 Jun 05:34


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federino@programming.dev on 05 Jun 11:13 collapse

Anybody using it? Is it better?

Para_lyzed@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 02:01 collapse

555 is still the big driver release that fixes a ton of Wayland issues with explicit sync support. It’s still in beta as of now

federino@programming.dev on 08 Jun 14:43 collapse

I see, did nvidia give a release date? I’m completely out of the loop

Para_lyzed@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 14:55 collapse

Not that I know of? I’m not sure where to even find that information if it does exist