CVE-2024-3094: Urgent alert for Fedora Linux 40 and Rawhide users (
from to on 30 Mar 2024 05:46


threaded - newest on 30 Mar 2024 06:24 next collapse

Me: fixes exposure to vuln

Also me: grabs popcorn

This is going to be an interesting story once this all quiets down… on 30 Mar 2024 06:37 next collapse

Gonna take a bit. The dudes been doing the releases for over a year, everything they touched is suspect now even if nothing earlier is known. Also some other associated accounts have been doing shady stuff too.

And that’s just one project that had a burnt out maintainer who welcomed some help from this guy. There are probably others. The hobby project becoming a core piece is a big issue. on 30 Mar 2024 13:10 next collapse

Gonna take a bit. The dudes been doing the releases for over a year, everything they touched is suspect now even if nothing earlier is known. Also some other associated accounts have been doing shady stuff too.

gonna take even a bit more now. Github closed the account and project making it really difficult to see their commits and merges and analyze them. on 30 Mar 2024 15:53 collapse

It’s also at on 30 Mar 2024 07:09 collapse

Yeah, it looks like that little Jenga block from the xkcd meme was XZ and a bunch of infrastructure is gonna have issues because of it.

<img alt="" src=""> on 30 Mar 2024 09:26 collapse

Fixes exposure

It says F39 users are not affected. Are you running Rawhide/F40 Beta? p on 30 Mar 2024 11:31 collapse

Running Arch, so not really exposed, but still had a compromised version installed. on 30 Mar 2024 13:52 next collapse

Supply chain attacks are extremely cheap/easy and very effective, so get prepared for more of them in the future.

It really bothers me, that many companies make billions utilizing open source without contributing money/employees etc. to secure/supply/maintain supply chains. on 30 Mar 2024 16:19 collapse

This one might not have been that cheap. The malicious code was added by a maintainer on the project for two years. That is some patience on 30 Mar 2024 17:52 next collapse

Agreed. I am more speaking of ‘in general’, for example there was a supply chain attack on a widely used npm package by writing an email to the author of the npm package. There are other ‘cheap’ attacks like dependency confusion, typo squatting etc. on 30 Mar 2024 16:42 collapse

What about finding someone like this and then blackmailing them?

That would be cheaper on 30 Mar 2024 17:30 collapse on 30 Mar 2024 23:13 collapse

Lol, too true. It’s either that or honeytraps on 30 Mar 2024 13:53 next collapse

Mandatory XKCD: Dependency on 30 Mar 2024 16:06 collapse

actual link on 30 Mar 2024 16:16 next collapse

Happy it doesn’t affect stable versions on 31 Mar 2024 15:00 next collapse

Did they intentionally not put the package name in the headline just to draw more clicks? Ffs on 31 Jul 2024 05:00 collapse

CVE-2024-3094 represents a serious security threat for Pokerogue Fedora Linux 40 and Rawhide users. Promptly updating your system and applying the necessary patches are crucial steps in mitigating this vulnerability.