Open-Source Video Editor 'OpenShot' Gets 'Game-Changer' Update (
from to on 25 Jun 16:41


threaded - newest on 25 Jun 17:16 next collapse

Is Sam Reich involved? on 25 Jun 17:27 collapse

He’s been here the whole time! on 25 Jun 17:27 next collapse

Never heard of this, does it hold up compared to kdenlive? on 25 Jun 19:23 collapse

In my experience no, apart from blender integration kdenlive does everything it does and more and kdenlive gets more new features. I just wish there weren’t 10 different Foss video editors that don’t come close to the proprietary ones instead of focusing on 2-3 projects, but that’s for the devs to decide on 25 Jun 17:30 next collapse

3 of them are about themes (2 of the 3 are the same so it’s 2 things about themes), and they just added ripple delete?

Long road ahead. Especially with Resolve doing more in a quarter than projects like this do in a few years. I get it’s not meant to compete with Hollywood/commercial grade NLE’s but frankly the gap between them seems to just get wider and wider every year. I feel like most NLE’s that aren’t part of the big 4 (Adobe/Avid/Black Magic/Final Cut limping along) just can’t get past a very simplistic “you can cut and rearrange” proposition. Blender integration is the major exception here, which is admittedly very useful! But idk. I seek more FLOSS/FOSS stuff where I can and NLE’s just always seem so underpowered I can’t justify even learning them.

I just can’t help but call out how the “game changer” is it looks more polished. It’s important to have a good UI/sleek look but “game changer”? I expected to read about a feature/tool.

Edit: I really want to be fair to the developers here, because what they are doing is no small task. But the major hurdle here is convincing people to learn their particular NLE when there are so many out there and a lot of them are a little more standardized but still very distinct with their own learning curves. So every minute you spend learning this one, you’re not learning another one that may be more useful/applicable for what you need. But hey, to those of you who use this software and get use out of it, that’s awesome. I don’t want to discourage folks or act like this thing is useless. i’m just not sure what the future is for projects like this. on 25 Jun 18:05 next collapse

I really need to try to learn Resolve. There just seems to be so much effort required to make a good NLE and such a relatively small market that it’s just not conducive to a robust FOSS project. on 25 Jun 18:10 next collapse

Yeah especially the rate of improvements right now. It’s wild how many features are added annually. Audio tools alone are going through a meteoric improvement cycle. It’s baffling what I can do now that wasn’t even theorized by the industry 5 years ago.

Resolve is great and the free version is very robust. Don’t try to learn it all. Learn how to import, cut, export. Then learn how to color. Then transform. Whatever you need as you need it.

Their tutorials are also very excellent

Edit: thinking more on this subject, I think if someone really wanted to take a crack at this they need to focus on automatic correction/repair tools. on 25 Jun 19:51 next collapse

If you want an in-between I have been extremely happy with ShotCut so far. on 25 Jun 22:14 collapse

I tried Resolve bit came back to kdenlive. It’s just fit my needs much better on 26 Jun 13:21 collapse

I’m always an advocate for using the tool for the job. No point in buying a chainsaw when a purpose built knife can easily accomplish the task on 26 Jun 05:40 collapse

I seek more FLOSS/FOSS stuff where I can

Oh yes, the open source enthusiast that does fuck all but seek out the most competitive softwares for free and adds nothing but constant moaning and complaining.

You’re doing open-source a great service. on 26 Jun 11:39 next collapse

Tell me a single FLOSS NLE I can use professionally. I’m all ears. Truly.

You only use FLOSS right? What phone do you have? Computer? What apps/software do you use for work and entertainment? Let’s really drill down here. Because if you’re going to drop bombs and attack me you better have your house in order.

I identified the significant hurdles open source NLE’s face. It’s reality. It’s why they aren’t being used professionally at all. If they can’t even reach 10% feature parity they aren’t on the table dude. I have bills, I have obligations. You think a client is going to accept “no I can’t fix that simple problem because my free NLE won’t let me but this other free one that’s closed source does”? Imagine this conversation.

Hobbyists can hack away with these limited tools. It’s why drew that distinction. But i can’t unless I want to quit my career over not using Resolve/Premiere/Avid. You going to end your income over FLOSS?

[deleted] on 27 Jun 11:35 next collapse


[deleted] on 27 Jun 12:51 collapse

. on 25 Jun 17:47 next collapse

If the article has “game-changer” in the headline, skip it. on 25 Jun 17:56 next collapse

It must be AI related :D on 25 Jun 19:50 collapse

Probably is! on 25 Jun 20:22 next collapse

…b-but I’ve been here the whole time? on 26 Jun 01:19 collapse

Game Changer quickly became one of my favorite shows this year! on 25 Jun 21:00 next collapse

It’s quoting the source who used that specific term on 25 Jun 21:35 collapse

Does that make it better? on 26 Jun 01:37 collapse

It makes it worse ;) on 27 Jun 12:20 collapse

It makes the statement worse but not the article. I find the article pretty objective on 27 Jun 12:50 collapse

Did it change your game? on 27 Jun 12:19 collapse

Tell me you judged the article by its title without telling me…

If you had read it, you’d notice that the author does not feel it is a game changer.

But still, even by reading the title alone, you mussed the quotation signs. It is not the author who calls it game changer but the chief developer. on 27 Jun 12:51 collapse

Tell me la la la on 25 Jun 19:12 next collapse

Never saw any other app crashing as much as openshot on 27 Jun 17:55 collapse

I always made the mistake of starting to edit videos, finish up, then looking up the video fps and matching the project type before output. Immediate crash. on 25 Jun 19:49 next collapse

I finally gave up entirely on OpenShot once I discovered ShotCut. OpenShot couldn’t handle the simplest things sometimes and literally could not get some things right ever. ShotCut is extraordinarily better. I’m absolutely thrilled with it in comparison. on 25 Jun 22:35 next collapse

Agree, Shotcut is great. on 26 Jun 18:13 collapse

ShotCut Enjoyer vs Average OpenShot Goblin

But yeah seriously I found it to be the better and more intuitive tool to use. on 26 Jun 07:52 next collapse

OpenShot went terribly for me. Cool idea but did not work. Ate hours and hours of editing by failing to export. I tried everything, even opening Github issues to figure out where the problem was. Systematically re-cut and edited and moved every clip. Still couldn’t get it to export even though everything worked flawlessly in editing and previewing. Tried switching to latest, alpha, whatever, none of them could export. Absolute nightmare. Do not recommend. Eventually had to re-do everything in kdenlive. on 27 Jun 03:25 collapse

Try Shotcut on 26 Jun 10:01 next collapse

i wonder why we have so many foss video editors. i get if there were multiple implementations to serve KDE / Gnome but it’s insane that all of them have some kind of bugs or fall short of having the features somebody trying to leave the commercial ones behind would want…

  • openshot
  • kdenlive
  • shotcut
  • flowblade
  • pitivin

as far as i’m aware there’s only one gimp and i would have guessed photo editing to be more simple than video editing on 26 Jun 10:16 next collapse

And gimp is still terrible, while, in my limited experience, kdenlive is very useable. on 26 Jun 10:27 collapse

yeah kdenlive is probably the best one, i had some ui bugs in the recent past which made it unusable because panels would just have black text on black background :/

i really want to like flowblade, but i assume they need some more dev time to get there on 26 Jun 10:55 collapse

Had that as well on macOS. Problem went away when I switched the system from dark mode to light mode (or the other way round, don’t remember). But generally, I have to use Premiere for work anyways. For personal projects I prefer DaVinci Resolve though because, in my experience, it’s the most stable and performs the best of any program I’ve tried. on 26 Jun 10:23 next collapse

There are Krita and Pinta too on 26 Jun 10:27 collapse

aren’t those more drawing apps and less photo editing? on 26 Jun 10:44 collapse

Yes, but often alternatives. on 26 Jun 12:30 next collapse on 26 Jun 14:02 next collapse

True true, photo editing needs to catch up, also 3d cad software, there’s only freecad in 3d field on 26 Jun 16:58 next collapse on 27 Jun 13:11 collapse

Editing people are opinionated and capable of programming. on 26 Jun 17:12 collapse

Dont use KDE/QT… it’s not OSS. on 26 Jun 19:46 next collapse

KDE / Qt licenses

Can you point where it’s not OSS? on 26 Jun 21:16 collapse…/040798.html on 26 Jun 21:33 collapse

This does not support your claim. on 26 Jun 19:50 next collapse

<img alt="" src="">? on 26 Jun 20:14 collapse

QT ( free edition ) is FOSS and can only be used in FOSS projects, it’s under LGPL license.

If you want to do proprietary stuff you got a QT comercial version and extra tooling to go along with, which you gotta pay a license.


The Qt framework is dual-licensed, available under both commercial and open-source licenses.

About KDE nothing weird to see there.