Bored With Bash? Change the Default Shell in Linux (
from to on 13 Dec 2023 07:12


threaded - newest on 13 Dec 2023 07:27 next collapse

Nice. But I want to change the default terminal in gnome but gnome-files doesn’t respect my choice. … on 13 Dec 2023 07:33 collapse

This might be right up your alley. on 13 Dec 2023 07:37 next collapse

Honestly I prefer it’s damn nice. Not that it’s a different shell, but makes any shell look nice on 13 Dec 2023 09:17 collapse

It looks pretty, but IMO one of the selling points of zsh is that it allows async updating of the prompt, allowing you to use slow commands like “git status” without adding a delay every time the prompt needs to be printed.

E.g. the default prompt from prezto is quite light and responsive, but when inside a git repo adds the info on the right side (shows when you have commits ahead/behind the remote branch, stashes, modified/deleted/added/staged files, etc) when that becomes available.

<img alt="Image" src="">

Didn’t look like any of the example themes on had the $RPROMPT stuff, which I guess would be difficult support for a cross-shell theming engine. on 13 Dec 2023 10:05 next collapse

ZSH 4 lyf on 13 Dec 2023 10:39 next collapse

i use nushell on 13 Dec 2023 11:35 collapse

I use fish on 13 Dec 2023 10:59 next collapse

The article just describes the how, but gives no reasons for a why.

So, why would anyone move away from the de-facto standard bash, except for some rare circumstances like having a small system and using busybox? on 13 Dec 2023 11:37 collapse

You probably never used fish shell. on 13 Dec 2023 12:02 collapse

Yeah, and I suspect most reading the article haven’t either, so the above guy’s question stands - what’s wrong with Bash in comparison to the others? on 13 Dec 2023 11:18 next collapse

Stop posting these clickbait pajeet articles on 13 Dec 2023 12:05 collapse

I don’t see the clickbait. The title references how to change the shell, the article then shows exactly that.

I think you’re using clickbait as a meaningless buzzword for something you don’t like, rather than its actual meaning. on 13 Dec 2023 12:13 collapse

No one gets “bored” with a fucking shell. This is just cheap clickbait instead of adding a bland title. on 13 Dec 2023 12:22 collapse

Bored with driving your car with a wheel and pedals? Change the default handling device in your vehicle