Location of mouseover/hover effects on icons-only task manager?
from matrygg@lemmy.kde.social to linux@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 06:54

I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the location for the icons-only task manager settings file is for plasma? I have a number of custom icons I’ve made, and it appears that the default mouseover/hover effect does not work with them. For icons I have not changed, the icon “lights up” or gets a wash over itself when I hover over it, but the custom icons don’t do that. There doesn’t appear to be anything in the .svg files, so I’m wondering if there’s a master list that I should add my icon files to or something, perhaps in the theme settings? I apologize for what is probably a fairly silly post, but I’ve been enjoying mildly customizing my desktop and this is a bit of a annoyance.


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boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net on 26 Jun 13:18 collapse

This should be an effect not changed icons. Maybe the taskbar still uses scaled PNGs?

Try to use a 256x256 PNG instead

Btw !kde@lemmy.kde.social