GNOME Shell and Mutter 46 Beta Released with Numerous Improvements - 9to5Linux (
from to on 12 Feb 2024 06:40


threaded - newest on 12 Feb 2024 10:29 next collapse

Another release and no vrr, big surprise. on 12 Feb 2024 15:45 next collapse

Man if only all the other DEs had already found a solution for vrr on wayland on 12 Feb 2024 17:48 next collapse

In my experience, gnome-shell already has a highly variable refresh rate. Sometimes it’ll go 2-5 frames without refreshing at all. on 12 Feb 2024 19:18 collapse

this is an nvidia exclusive feature atm.

maybe thats why the rest of us want it still. on 12 Feb 2024 17:58 next collapse

The only reason appears to be that it wasn’t completed in time, since:

On the other hand, Mutter 46 beta adds more preparations for upcoming variable refresh rate support on 12 Feb 2024 23:26 next collapse

VRR development has actually sped up massively with that huge tech fund investment in Gnome a couple months ago, but it just missed the window to be merged in Gnome 46. It will be in 47 instead. on 13 Feb 2024 16:36 collapse

Should be fully ready next release. on 12 Feb 2024 18:17 next collapse

Gnome is weird. A dusted off a laptop that has Gnome 40, and it felt better. Nautilus didn’t have broken folder trees that don’t refresh, and workspaces were vertical so that movement travel is shorter (much more so on ultrawide monitors). on 13 Feb 2024 11:42 collapse

Cool. Time to get ready for another round of broken extensions.