Select Audio Output Via Command Line
from to on 02 Sep 2024 18:07
from to on 02 Sep 2024 18:07
Does anyone know how I can select my audio output via the command line? I’m frequently switching between using my monitors inbuilt speakers and a USB audio interface and I’m finding it laborious to navigiggerate graphically through the settings in GNOME to do so.
What I’d like to do is set up a couple of bash aliases and do it in my terminal.
What’s the best way for me to do that?
Many thanks
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work?Anyway, you may wanna try
pactl set-default-sink [sink-name]>
as wellPactl commands will do what I think you want, I keep forgetting the exact syntax. Once you find something that works, you can bind those commands to some key combos to easily switch
The hard part is finding a stable identifier, instead of “this interface is know as sink 48 at this exact instant. It will be a completely different number tomorrow. It might even be a potato emoji, who knows?”
That depends on which audio system you’re running.
Since this can vary depending on your distro, the easiest place to look for that info is going to be your distro’s documentation. That documentation may also include instructions for how to accomplish exactly what you want.
does gnome not have audio output switcher in the tray audio popup menu thingy?
It does for a few versions now, and even before there was at least one extension adding this feature.
Found it! I’d missed that - thanks!
Wtf is that screenshot
I’ve been ricing my GNOME DE.
Only joking. I had a bit of fun in GIMP for to illustrate this post. You’re welcome to use it if you want :)
If the UI always looks like that you’d huffed too much Compiz.
Uh oh, you said the forbidden word. Won’t be long until everyone in this thread is “informed”.
What’s that? GIMP?
OK, I’m guessing that term has some extra baggage around here which I’m not privy to… I spent too many years chopping wood and growing corn, so someone will have to fill me in!
Oh no, you’re going to make me be that guy lol.
Ricing comes from “rice cooker”, meaning a Japanese car. The term is so far removed from any racial implications now, that some people say RICE means “Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements”, though it’s just an excuse where one need not exist.
I regularly see people brigade for others to stop saying it, even though the word now exists on its own. People treat it like it’s comparable to something like the Washington “Redskins”, it isn’t.
Pretty cool I just found it crazy that
A: nobody commented
B: you didnt mention the image at all
I thought I’d just slip it in and see what happened! I like making things in GIMP as well
It’s art is what it is
Maybe try using pulsemixer. (if you have pulseaudio installed ofc)
pactl get short sinks
gets you a list of devices with a numerical identifier. And
pactl set-default-sink ID
Sets the default sink to the desired ID. I only ever want to swap between two so I wrots a bash script to do that. I just type ‘aud’ and it does it for me.
I’ve written a bash script i’m using daily, maybe you can adapt it to your needs. I’m using pipewire-pulse. It’s probably not perfect but it does the job:
Amazing, thank you so much :)