Privacy focused ChatGPT in you terminal
from to on 07 Jun 01:37

so, about a month ago i stumbled upon the duckduckgo ai chat feature and wrote an article about how private their APIs are, and a few weeks after, a CLI client.

the thing is in a pretty mature stage now (its not like there is a lot of work to be done there tbh)

its not super private, but it is “private enough”. the only thing duckduckgo has is your IP, which is usually not much unless you are on a residential connection with a dedicated IP


threaded - newest on 07 Jun 03:26 next collapse

Just a PSA to anyone who looks here: with DDG, ChatGPT is not your only option. You can choose to use Claude instead, if you wish. on 07 Jun 03:59 collapse

And recently Llama3 and Mixtral! on 07 Jun 04:03 next collapse

I actually didn’t know that! Thanks! on 08 Jun 06:51 collapse

Llama3 isn’t free on 07 Jun 03:57 next collapse

Can we keep LLM BS in “AI”-specific subs, please? on 07 Jun 14:32 collapse

I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. The topic is too focused on LLMs, and is not generally applicable, or exclusive, to Linux. on 07 Jun 17:46 collapse

I’ve run across AI content in non-AI subs before and responded with similar things fully expecting to be downvoted to Earth’s core and was pleasantly surprised at how few downvotes and how many upvotes I got. So I’ve made a habit of calling out AI stuff in non-AI communities when I run across it. (Unless it’s actually strongly related to the purpose of the community it’s posted in.)

This is at least the third time I’ve made such a comment, and the first time I’ve seen a negative net score for more than a few minutes after I posted. Still, it’s pretty evenly split even on this one. Maybe most of the down-voters just don’t want anything negative said about “AI”. (Like cryptobros will deem anything “bearish” to be “FUD”.) Who knows.

And there are places for engaging in mouth-foaming AI bubble hype indulgence on Lemmy. I just don’t want the communities I like inundated with tons of AI PR posts. on 07 Jun 20:47 collapse

Tbh I don’t really concern myself with getting unjustifiably dogpiled by downvotes every once in a while. Aggregate post karma is effectively meaningless on lemmy. on 07 Jun 10:54 next collapse

Thank you this looks interesting! on 07 Jun 12:00 next collapse

Disclaimer: The following section is of educational purposes only. Please do not scrape DuckDuckGo’s APIs, as it would only hurt the company which honestly cares about your privacy.

😆 on 07 Jun 15:01 next collapse

This is about LLMs, not Linux. on 07 Jun 17:27 next collapse

What’s privacy-focused ChatGPT? Is it like diet butter?

Hint: if it doesn’t run on your machine, it’s collecting monetizable data. on 07 Jun 18:08 next collapse

I don’t need artificial intelligence in my terminal. Do you know how many times some troll has posted about “rm -fr /” on Reddit and other shitty forums, which then gets gobbled up and laundered by LLMs? Not letting that anywhere near my prod servers with valuable data. on 08 Jun 07:10 collapse

Do you know how many times some troll has posted about “rm -fr /” on Reddit and other shitty forums, which then gets gobbled up and laundered by LLMs?

Ironically, that now includes you 🙂 on 07 Jun 23:49 collapse

After enjoying the very local power of Ollama it seems weird to give OpenAI any money. on 08 Jun 06:50 collapse

Mistral is my favorite model on 08 Jun 07:31 collapse

Mine too

Looks like Mistral was trained more on proven academic data and less on Facebook posts. This does make it a bit less variable in answers, but at least it says very little bullshit.