Lutris v0.5.18 released (
from to on 02 Dec 08:06


threaded - newest on 02 Dec 08:46 next collapse

Use dark theme by default

OK you have my upvote on 02 Dec 09:10 next collapse

This is bad though, what about all the people who have a really difficult time seeing with dark themes and thus would find it difficult to change it?

Really they should have asked people what they want on startup or some such, not make decisions for them.

[deleted] on 02 Dec 09:13 next collapse


[deleted] on 02 Dec 09:17 collapse

. on 02 Dec 09:19 collapse

Personally, I’m a fan of apps that use your system theme automatically so they don’t even need to ask you. on 02 Dec 09:22 collapse

Yes, this is a good solution too.

If they’re going to insist on a ‘default’ though, they shouldn’t and should ask instead. on 02 Dec 09:56 collapse

Why is systemtheme so unpopular? 😭 on 02 Dec 16:50 collapse

At least my experience on KDE the system theme option barely seems to work for GTK programs.

Even tho I specifically went out of my way to get a dark GTK theme in the system settings. on 02 Dec 09:04 next collapse

Nice on 05 Dec 05:06 collapse

darn shame installers can’t use a newer wine yet, still stuck on 8-26