I just switched to Pop OS, any tips on what I should do next?
from Crafted_104@lemmy.ml to linux@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 14:00

I just recently migrated from Linux Mint to Pop OS, do you have any tips/extensions on what I should do with my desktop?


threaded - newest

lurch@sh.itjust.works on 08 Jun 15:38 next collapse

make a backup

sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 16:11 next collapse

You should send me that sick ass wallpaper

Vitaly@feddit.uk on 08 Jun 21:05 next collapse

Try my open source app called Wallpaper, it uses wallhaven images and automatically sets them for you depending on your resolution here is the link: github.com/Vitalii-code/Wallpaper

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 13:05 collapse


Vitaly@feddit.uk on 09 Jun 13:16 collapse

try it

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:40 collapse

<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/7935279c-e187-47ba-b027-7b6451bf95ce.png">

Iheartcheese@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 14:24 next collapse


TwoBeeSan@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 14:32 collapse

Then estrogen.

Iheartcheese@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 16:20 collapse

Don’t forget the shark.

30p87@feddit.de on 09 Jun 12:41 collapse


perishthethought@lemm.ee on 08 Jun 16:24 next collapse

Start planning what your next OS should be.

jjlinux@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 17:24 next collapse

Ah, the luxurious distro-hopping wagon 🤤

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:40 collapse

Probably Arch Linux

abcd@feddit.de on 08 Jun 23:40 collapse


just_another_person@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 16:28 next collapse

Get a non-creepy wallpaper you wouldn’t be embarrassed to show co-workers when screen sharing.

GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 16:51 next collapse

As I always say, as long as the wallpaper is family-friendly and not promoting anything bad like terrorism or racism, someone being not ok with it is solely their problem. People should pay attention on more important things instead of microbullying and judging meaningless stuff. You may want to temporarily adapt to a person that’s important to you in case you’re afraid of them being not ok with it or something like that but there’s no point in doing this with coworkers. It’s just ridiculous.

just_another_person@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 17:41 collapse

Hard disagree. I wouldn’t consider an image depicting a fetish of some sort “family friendly”.

Same rules for being in public: you shouldn’t think it’s okay to subject non-willing participants into your sexual proclivities. A jizzed up sexualization, anime or not, is not cool to subject others to without their permission.

TheCheddarCheese@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 17:49 next collapse

Is blue hair a fetish now?

bizzle@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 17:55 next collapse

Always has been 🙍‍♂️🔫🌎

[deleted] on 08 Jun 23:56 collapse


Neps@lemmy.blahaj.zone on 09 Jun 04:30 collapse

I guess a girl wearing a skirt is sexual now, you sound like the mfs that say girls get r*ped cause of what they wear 💀 edit: op edit there comment to gibber jabbish for whatever reason

GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 18:00 collapse

I don’t consider the image sexual. Maybe I don’t understand something idk. And anything sexual is not family friendly obviously

just_another_person@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 18:14 collapse

What do you imagine all those thick globs of white represent?

thejml@lemm.ee on 08 Jun 19:24 collapse

She looks like she’s under water (what with the fish and octopus) and they are on the same plane as the white outlines and other things in the image, like they’re reflections or clouds.

Kinda looks like it should be turned clockwise 90 degrees as she’s falling into the water. (You can tell because the way the tips of her hair are further towards the left like she’s sinking)

I mean, it’s a bit abstract, but there’s no evidence I see for them to be what you seem to be thinking they are.

Edit: actually it might be that there’s glass on the left like she’s in an aquarium with the fish and such. Again, “white blobs” are reflections.

[deleted] on 08 Jun 19:50 next collapse


Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:38 collapse

The wallpaper isn’t “Fetish-like” or suggestive at all; it’s simply an anime girl with school clothes beneath water with fish circling around her. How dirty is your mind that everything you see is thought to be suggestive?

This isn’t even useful advice; it’s just you being dirty-minded, and if you believe everything is suggestive, seek mental help

GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 16:55 next collapse

Setup - checked

Troubleshoot - checked

Install apps - checked

Import data - checked

Customize - checked

Boast Tell people on social media - checked

I’d say Linux distro migration checklist completed.

Also that is a (mostly) good selection of apps right there.

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:43 collapse

Thank you brother

Templa@beehaw.org on 09 Jun 03:16 collapse

Just curious, why do you have Firefox and Librewolf at the same time? Also what is the black icon with the R?

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 13:04 collapse

I use Firefox as my main browser and Librewolf as a second browser

The icon with the R is a FOSS chat app called Revolt

Templa@beehaw.org on 09 Jun 15:16 collapse

I see. Thank you!

jjlinux@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 17:23 next collapse

Yeah, now go crazy trying shit you probably should not be trying. From my perspective, that’s the best perk of any Linux distro. Evidently, backup first.

DmMacniel@feddit.de on 08 Jun 14:05 next collapse

World domination, and if you can’t achieve that… Well don’t come back:)

Whatever the feck you want to do with your computer. Make it your own, do your stuff you regularly do.

And charge your battery!

jjlinux@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 17:25 collapse

What is this “battery” thing you speak of?

GustavoM@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 14:35 next collapse

In a serious tone:

Attempt to do a minimal yet optimized install instead of a standard one while making it fully functional.

jjlinux@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 17:26 collapse

So evil.

[deleted] on 08 Jun 17:50 next collapse


Blaster_M@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 18:17 next collapse

Your next step is to Arch

addie@feddit.uk on 08 Jun 21:15 collapse


secret300@lemmy.sdf.org on 08 Jun 18:19 next collapse

Get your keybinds the way you want and learn how to use the tiling extension that comes with pop. I found it super useful when I used to use pop

Retiring@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 19:56 collapse

And then realize that tiling in popos is inferior and start using i3 or sway

joel@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 08 Jun 21:37 collapse

I used i3 for a couple of years, but I missed the ease of having a DE that just recognised USB sticks and external hard drives, and all the other little things that you have to set up manually

SeikoAlpinist@slrpnk.net on 09 Jun 09:56 collapse

Endeavour sway edition was great at this.

IP2@monero.town on 08 Jun 19:57 next collapse

That top right X for closing a window, it can be placed top left. Give it a try.

WeebLife@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 20:17 next collapse

Why did you switch from mint?

Ransack@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 08 Jun 21:36 next collapse

Not OP, but for a while I tried using Ubuntu and Mint but kept on having random issues with my printer/scanner combo (Brother) and a couple of other problems that I don’t remember before I just gave up and switched over to pop.

Been using it as my daily driver for a couple of years now and even the one time I did have something go sideways I was helped by people on the Telegram channel.

On a side note there have been a couple of ranking lists released on YouTube and one of them noted that the desktop is a bit outdated but I really like the tiling window manager that pop has. Sure it eats shit sometimes but as of recently I haven’t had to think about it at all. I’m excited to see the new desktop that they are currently developing as well.

WeebLife@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 20:29 collapse

I’m sure I would notice more issues or hiccups if I daily drove my laptop. It’s just my secondary device right now, but I’m also testing/learning linux for when I switch my main desktop over.

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:52 collapse

I went from Mint to Pop OS to increase my customizing options. Mint isn’t very customizable, and installing GNOME or KDE with it may work OK but is not supported and I don’t think it will ever be.

WeebLife@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 23:11 next collapse

I see. I’m just starting my linux journey, and right now, mint is working great for me. At some point I’ll probably start distro hopping.

Trainguyrom@reddthat.com on 09 Jun 12:51 collapse

I tossed mint on a PC after about 8 years of not using mint at all and I’ve been extremely impressed at how stable and friendly it is. It works exactly how you expect it to and Cinnamon has the best default workspace implementation of any DE I’ve used

possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip on 09 Jun 00:33 collapse

Mint is very customizable

Solid choice though

boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net on 08 Jun 20:37 next collapse

Figure out how to do snapshots before doing updates or upgrades.

Timeshift I think? Maybe more available.

Lem453@lemmy.ca on 08 Jun 21:08 next collapse

Does anyone know if Timeshift has any use with fedora atomic distros?

boredsquirrel@slrpnk.net on 08 Jun 21:13 collapse


I think there are better tools.

Use is only

  1. For cloning the entire OS to a different drive that is smaller or bigger
  2. For snapshotting home
rotopenguin@infosec.pub on 09 Jun 00:29 collapse

Snapper has a hook in apt so that it fires a snapshot whenever you do package things. It must have the same for other packaging systems.

mr_robot2938@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 20:45 next collapse

Click the windowing mode icon (far left of the icons in the top right) and switch that bad boy to tiled windowing mode. Tiled windows will feel odd for a couple of days, but once you switch back to free-floating windows you’ll realize why I’m recommending tiled.

Look up the PopOS keyboard shortcuts for moving tiled windows around the desktop and workspaces. It’s a game-changing way to use your computer.

PopOS has been my daily driver for a year. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:44 next collapse

I’ll keep this in mind, thank you!

pingveno@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 09:08 collapse

Tiling is especially great for working with multiple monitors. It is far easier to move windows between monitors and workspaces, split screens between two windows, and so on with tiling.

Churbleyimyam@lemm.ee on 08 Jun 20:49 next collapse

Just enjoy buddy.

ssm@lemmy.sdf.org on 08 Jun 21:07 next collapse

learn ed, the STANDARD EDITOR

addie@feddit.uk on 08 Jun 21:14 collapse

Finest advice possible for any Linux sysadmin.

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:43 collapse

top 10 best advice of all time

[deleted] on 08 Jun 14:30 next collapse


Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 21:42 collapse

that wasn’t even the point of this post to begin with?

dog_@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 23:50 next collapse

Link the wallpaper :)

Edit: never mind, I cannot read.

Edit2: lemmy.ml/comment/11532813

wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works on 08 Jun 23:57 next collapse

I’m pretty be to it too, and it’s the first and only one I’ve used for more than a couple hours.

I dumped GNOME immediately, but haven’t really felt a need to change anything else and don’t really know what else I’d want to, at least not yet.

I got my stuff working, got colors and window decorations sorted out, and got gaming working.

Now I’m just vibing.

Burghler@sh.itjust.works on 09 Jun 00:13 next collapse

You should use it :D

BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 02:00 next collapse

install lolcat and make bash commands so that update and upgrade come out in rainbow.

loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 09 Jun 02:44 next collapse

I’d suggest to remove it and install Debian Stable as a tactical next move.

Sixth0795@sh.itjust.works on 09 Jun 03:25 next collapse

How about installing fedora while wearing a fedora

loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 09 Jun 10:29 collapse

If you remove it afterwards completely naked to install Debian Stable, everything is still on Track

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 13:02 collapse

I use Debian as a secondary distro, I am definitely not making it my main

loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 09 Jun 14:26 collapse


captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works on 09 Jun 05:23 next collapse

Based on my experience migrating from Mint to Pop!_OS, the next step is migrate back to Mint.

secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 12:29 next collapse


Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:44 next collapse

No thanks

jaschen@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 17:37 collapse

I also did the same thing. I’m back to Mint OS but at the end I’m not much happier.

Petter1@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 18:33 collapse

Guess it is time for arch, btw

jaschen@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 18:41 collapse

I actually value my life.

Petter1@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 18:49 collapse

😁 EndeavourOS was for me the least time consuming distro so far. Installing everything via yay without having to add repos to it paired with it’s rolling behavior is the reason I use it.

jaschen@lemm.ee on 09 Jun 19:26 next collapse

I’ll give it a try! Thanks!

jsqribe@lemm.ee on 10 Jun 06:18 collapse

Been using EndeavourOS as my main driver for 2 years now, I’m putting in the time to learn NixOS and so far it’s been solid, would recommend it for rolling release stability which is issue with Arch if you don’t update regularly enough.

NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 05:35 next collapse

h@cK ThE pL4neT

SeikoAlpinist@slrpnk.net on 09 Jun 09:55 next collapse

Mess with the best, Die like the rest.

BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 12:19 next collapse

are you 4chan the hacker?

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 13:06 next collapse

bro wants me to be on the FBI watchlist

MintyFresh@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 17:32 collapse

I just watched this movie last night! Seriously one of the coolest pieces of Cinema ever made!

chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de on 09 Jun 05:48 next collapse

Distrohop for a rolling release distro instead a LTS one

[deleted] on 09 Jun 05:59 next collapse


qwerty@discuss.tchncs.de on 09 Jun 07:04 next collapse

Install KDE.

TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 11:06 collapse

Never do this unless you devalue stability. GNOME is for people who want stability and getting shit done.

skizzles@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 18:18 collapse

KDE is fine. I’ve been using it for some time now and never really had any significant issues that weren’t caused from my own meddling.

I say that as someone that has been on and off using Linux variants for probably 20 years now.

I run my kids machine on pop os with KDE, auto login that opens steam in big picture mode. Haven’t had any issues at all.

RickAstleyfounddead@lemy.lol on 09 Jun 07:19 next collapse

Add extensions and customize gnome

Presi300@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 07:43 next collapse

Buy Helldivers 2

pingveno@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 09:20 next collapse

Replace the Pop! Shop with the COSMIC Store.

sudo apt install cosmic-store cosmic-icons
sudo apt remove pop-shop

Pop Shop is kinda slow. COSMIC Store is part of Pop OS’s new COSMIC Desktop Environment (DE). Everything is just a lot faster. It’s an alpha so there are a couple of rough edges, but it’s great overall.

Speaking of, get hyped for COSMIC. It’s a DE written in Rust. It’s not quite as complete as GNOME, but hopefully it will have better performance than the current GNOME mod that forms Pop’s UI.

calmluck9349@infosec.pub on 09 Jun 11:24 next collapse

Going to try this!! Thanks.

Trainguyrom@reddthat.com on 09 Jun 12:42 next collapse

get hyped for COSMIC

Honestly I’m just excited for a non-gnome DE with an actual company backing it. I can’t wrap my head around gnome’s expectations for how you use it, so the fact that it’s the default on every enterprise-backed Linux project is annoying as heck

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:49 collapse

I tested the new Cosmic Desktop Environment on an experimental laptop, and it performs fairly well. I can’t wait to use it on my main machine. I actually already have Cosmic Shop, Pop Shop is far slower than Cosmic Shop, and it wasn’t even created by System. I’ll definitely uninstall Pop Shop.

UnculturedSwine@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 12:04 next collapse

I really don’t get some of these comments. I’ve been using popos on and off since it came out. I would check out gnome extensions to see if anything sticks out to you as being useful for your use case. I would also go into your settings and update your recovery partition. This is also the place to refresh your PC if you need in the future which has been a must-have for me.

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 12:45 collapse

I don’t get any of these comments either, I guess this is how it is posting on Lemmy compared to Hexbear lmao Thank you for the tips though and I’ll gladly do so!

secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world on 09 Jun 12:29 next collapse

There’s a song by Gucci Mane called Pop Music

I would play that really loudly using Pop! OS, like noise violation loud, and then just spin in a chair until dizzy while listening

(also enable TimeShift)

hash0772@sh.itjust.works on 09 Jun 13:54 next collapse

That wallpaper looks really cool! Can you upload it here?

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 14:34 collapse
bremen15@feddit.de on 09 Jun 14:38 next collapse

Next, Install Debian.

blitzed@noauthority.social on 09 Jun 15:07 next collapse
Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 19:30 collapse

Already did

It’s my secondary distro

MonkeMischief@lemmy.today on 09 Jun 17:25 next collapse

That’s really cool! I put my wife on Pop_OS recently and it’s been a little bumpy, but she’s also got a bit of a specialty laptop. Glad it’s been smooth for you :).

I really like your aesthetic, btw, how the wallpaper fits with your launch bar. Really pleasant!

Wish I had some advice for you, but heck, thanks for starting the thread because (after sifting highly opinionated goofposts) I’m learning a lot too. :)

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 09 Jun 18:02 collapse

Thank you! It’s okay if you don’t have any advice

Meowie_Gamer@lemmy.world on 10 Jun 00:48 next collapse

Install gentoo /s

Crafted_104@lemmy.ml on 10 Jun 15:19 collapse

No thanks

I’m not trying to brick my system

Meowie_Gamer@lemmy.world on 10 Jun 16:22 collapse

It probably won’t brick your system lol, but yeah use what you want

EleventhHour@lemmy.world on 10 Jun 04:24 collapse

I’ve installed Pop!_OS on many machines over the years, and my standard process is:

  • Install PopOS
    • rare for PopOS, but, depending on specialized hardware (some legacy Nvidia cards), a little driver rejiggering might be called for. Or a weird network printer setup that CUPS doesn’t like.
  • sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y apt-fast && sudo apt -y upgrade
    • pee, smoke weed, feed kitty…
  • set up my custom zsh/bash profile for the terminal
  • enable firewall
  • configure SSH and whichever remote management tools I need (I happen to deploy remote machines frequently)
  • sudo apt install gnome-tweaks & a few other UI tweaking tools (obviously, this step will no longer exist soon)
  • tweak UI/UX
  • search through gnome extensions website for extension I want to install. There’s usually a Top 10 or Top 20 gnome extensions list you can google (eg: “best gnome extensions 2024”)
  • make sure I have all appropriate media codecs installed and updated.
  • set up pip-/pip3-installer.

After that, it’s setting up/configuring whatever software that particular machine needs.

Edit: there’s probably a lot that I’ve skipped/missed, and a lot that others will do along their way through these steps. This is just a basic outline of some of my post-install processes (developed over time), and I hope this answers your question.

Also, you can google for post-install guides for Ubuntu and they’ll largely be applicable to PopOS since it’s based on Ubuntu.

karet@sh.itjust.works on 10 Jun 07:10 collapse

So I’ve been planning to install pop on my home computer for my parents to use. They don’t know their way around a terminal, so will updating on the GUI store be enough. Or do they occasionally need to run apt update as well

EleventhHour@lemmy.world on 10 Jun 15:02 collapse

There are GUI update facilities. They won’t need to use apt