GPU "processing" with Kdenlive on Bazzite with 4700u GPU?
from to on 23 Jun 21:58

Trying to cover all my bases on the headline LOL.

I confirmed LACT was installed, though I don’t think that has anything to do with it.

Installed movit via RPM-OStree.

GPU processing is still grayed out. Currently waiting for a 20 minute video to process on CPU only and says it will take 3 hours :(


threaded - newest on 23 Jun 22:24 next collapse

Use their forum… on 24 Jun 09:13 collapse

On one hand I want to upvote you, because OP will really have a much better chance at getting good support there.

On the other hand I want to downvote you for just “forwarding their call” to another forum, instead of helping directly. (I’ve had bad experiences with unhelpful Linux communities where people basically just tried to find the quickest way to move someone out of their support channel)

I’ll keep it neutral, I guess. on 24 Jun 12:14 collapse

Their forum is okay on 24 Jun 13:29 collapse

I mesnt you just referring to another place to get help. But yeah, their forum really is a neat place for this on 24 Jun 17:37 collapse

We have way too many uBlue questions here that are specific to their very opinionated distros.

General Fedora questions go to, general stuff can go here. on 24 Jun 00:06 next collapse

Logs on 24 Jun 00:43 collapse

Flowers on 24 Jun 06:05 next collapse

I might be wrong, but wasn’t Movit just for timeline preview, and hadn’t worked properly for quite a few versions and now you just use the NVENC/VAAPI etc export profiles to export with GPU? on 24 Jun 15:05 collapse

What render settings are you using? Kdenlive doesn’t use Movit for rendering but rather Melt. You can try AMD VAAPI under Hardware Accelerated in the Render menu. Some other tweaks you can do include enabling Parallel Processing (for your CPU, it can go up to 8), changing Custom Quality, and changing Encoder Speed (though the last two options do affect quality so experiment with what works for you)

Related Kdenlive Documentation