#151 Pride Month · This Week in GNOME (thisweek.gnome.org)
from joojmachine@lemmy.ml to linux@lemmy.ml on 07 Jun 22:23


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rorschah@lemdro.id on 08 Jun 00:53 next collapse

These TWIG issues really shows how much Sovereign Tech Fund boosts the accessibility and modernisation for GNOME. What would have been if all countries started spending such an amount for OSS projects

joojmachine@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 13:14 collapse

Fortunately that’s what the GNOME Foundation is going for, having people dedicated to applying for grants and other programs. Hopefully there’s greater adoption by big companies and governments!

[deleted] on 08 Jun 02:08 next collapse


electricprism@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 05:38 next collapse

Lads, Everyone’s entitled to an opinion… UNLESS THEIR HEADS ARE FILLED WITH LIES!!! To the Jingle Jail With The Non-believer!!! /s

fhein@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 09:29 collapse

Everyone’s entitled to an opinion… Unless you have an opinion about someone else’s opinion, then you’re literally Hitler ~/s~

DmMacniel@feddit.de on 08 Jun 05:46 next collapse

What makes you say that?

GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 06:54 collapse

Adwaita icons issues and highly suspicious management probably

DmMacniel@feddit.de on 08 Jun 08:07 collapse

uhm okay, I didn’t see anything related to Adwaita Icons or management in that blog post?

GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 08:11 collapse

There indeed wasn’t anything about Adwaita icons (which is an issue on itself because the team isn’t fixing it but that’s besides the point) but there was stuff about management. Every blog post is basically a management report

[deleted] on 08 Jun 06:27 next collapse


EleventhHour@lemmy.world on 08 Jun 06:48 collapse

<img alt="" src="https://i.imgflip.com/77lywx.jpg">

wisha@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 03:20 collapse

Never heard of this “Papers” PDF reader before and it’s not on Flathub either. Apparently it is a fork of Evince with lots of big changes planned. Exciting stuff! But does anyone know what’s going to happen to Evince?

Sentau@discuss.tchncs.de on 08 Jun 05:05 next collapse

I think evince will be eventually dropped by GNOME but there is time for that. While papers is porting things to GTK4 and adding some great features, it still has a long way to go in performance and optimisation. Currently it is more than twice as slow to open a pdf when compared to evince. Also scrolling performance is not optimised as it will stop mid scroll for things to render. Well it is only a new project so hopefully all this will be fixed. I am still using papers so that I can report any bugs that I run into

joojmachine@lemmy.ml on 08 Jun 13:12 collapse

Yeah, Papers doesn’t have a stable release yet since they are still doing big design changes, but you can get it through the GNOME Nightly repo. I’ve been using it for quite a while now!