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threaded - newest on 01 Jun 02:40 next collapse

I wonder if “others” under “Linux Distributions (split)” is mostly SteamOS (arch-based)?

This is more of “straw poll” as it’s limited to self-reported users of on 01 Jun 03:02 collapse

There’s someone who uses 7 monitors?? That’s…impressive, but in what case is a 7 monitor setup useful? on 01 Jun 16:06 next collapse

One for each deadly sin, duh. on 01 Jun 18:11 next collapse

Yeah that is wild. Back on windows I had a three monitor setup at one point and honestly rarely utilized the whole of it.

Ever since moving to Linux and learning about virtual desktops I have never felt the need for more than one monitor. So I could hardly imagine the need for seven beyond novelty lol. on 06 Jun 15:15 collapse

I had 5 monitors for a bit before changing to a 32:9 monitor for my main monitor which gives me the equivalent of 4 monitors.

As long as the monitors are setup right (e.g. leveraging vertical space and not just horizontal space), I find the desktop real estate to be invaluable.

But, I started doing dual monitors over 20 years ago. So, I’m an early evangelist of multi-monitor and have adopted workflows that greatly benefit from it. on 06 Jun 23:58 collapse

I’d like to try it out one day, for now I don’t think I want to do that kind of investment in my setup. It sounds glorious though to have so many monitors.