openSUSE Factory enabled bit-by-bit reproducible builds (
from to on 18 Apr 2024 19:26


threaded - newest on 18 Apr 2024 19:51 collapse

Interesting development.

A recent example is that reproducible builds allow for the creation of proof, simply by rebuilding and comparing the result, that a GCC build whose source was extracted with a compromised xz was not compromised; this process was achieved without needing to reverse engineer how the compromise occurred. Similarly, reproducible builds were reported as being usefully during investigations of the xz compromise. on 18 Apr 2024 21:16 collapse

As much as I love openSUSE, and reproducible builds are a core requirement for trusted computing…

reproducible builds were reported as being useful

Really buries the lede of the xz attack results

either both are trojaned, or none

Edit: It is very useful for the first half - to ensure new packages extracted by a compromised xz weren’t modified during the extraction.

It’s just that reproducing the build of the tampered xz would still produce a bit-for-bit identical compromised version due to the way it modified the build system