Xclip is awesome ( for copying binary data to text )
from pi49mhsbh@feddit.rocks to linux@lemmy.ml on 12 Feb 09:47

TLDR ; Thinkpad BIOS debug log is not in text . Just converted it to text using xclip , instead of using strings, hexdump , xxd tools .

Steps done:

$ file bios-debug-log.data
bios-debug-log.data: data
$ cat bios-debug-log.data | xclip 
$ xclip -o # Pastes as text to Terminal . Copy the text from there.
##xclip -o > test-file # Pastes the same data to file. Cannot use this

I have ran diagnostic logs for lenovo support , which was saved as data file. ( Found tools like strings, hexdump , xxd from online search which can read the data. ) But while playing with the file, I noticed xclip can copy and paste the data to Terminal app as text! Then, copy the text from Terminal app .

Qn. I guess the data file was encoded to a binary format. And xclip decoded the text content. Is this correct ?



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