LibreOffice 7.5.6 Office Suite Released with More Than 50 Bug Fixes (
from to on 08 Sep 2023 17:07


threaded - newest on 08 Sep 2023 20:33 collapse

How is it’s compatibility with Word and Excel now a days? Is it as good as OnlyOffice? I use OnlyOffice because of it’s compatibility and it has worked flawlessly. I am totally down to try LibreOffice again. on 08 Sep 2023 21:08 next collapse

I haven't done much with Excel and Word these days, but I have not had a single issue opening standard documents. The PDF import capabilities for LibreDraw work reasonably well. Many MANY years ago I fiddled with OpenOffice and then LibreOffice before moving to Office365 for a while.

Now I'm back to LibreOffice for the past 5+ years and haven't had any complaints on 08 Sep 2023 22:10 collapse

I’ll probably give it a shot then. Thanks on 08 Sep 2023 22:47 next collapse

It will still mess up word docs with inline figures as well as powerpoint presentations. on 09 Sep 2023 00:34 collapse

That’s really good to know on 08 Sep 2023 22:59 next collapse

I recently (two months ago) had to work with an Excel sheet which worked on OnlyOffice but not LibreOffice. So compatibility seems to still not be on par. on 09 Sep 2023 00:35 collapse

Aw that’s unfortunate. Good to know, thanks on 08 Sep 2023 23:09 next collapse

Perhaps I am not interacting with the most complicated documents but I both consume a fair number of docs I get from work and create docs that I share with others. I have never had a complaint about the docs I create and do not perceive there to be problems with the docs I consume.

What I produce myself is mostly presentations. Other than having to be careful with fonts, they have not been an issue.

The spreadsheets I generate are really simplistic ( in terms of feature use - the math itself may be sophisticated ). I receive some that are a bit more complicated. As I said, I do not perceive issues with them but they could have formatting errors that I do not notice.

Same with Word docs. I used to create more of these and there were occasional formatting glitches but it has been a couple of years since I have authored anything complicated. My intuition is that text documents with a lot of formatting and embedded content are likely to be the most problematic, especially if tracking changes.

Make sure you install the fonts that others are going to use and only use fonts that they are going to have. That is probably the biggest gotcha.

Put it this way, I have Office 365 which I could use on Linux but I use LibreOffice instead. I use O365 mostly for Outlook and Teams ( with a bit of One Drive ). on 09 Sep 2023 00:37 collapse

Good stuff to know. Thank you. Is there some type of Microsoft compatibility font pack? I don’t know the names to pay attention to. on 09 Sep 2023 15:37 collapse

Depends on your distro but yes, there are Microsoft TTF fonts you can install.…/how-to-install-microsoft-fonts-on-lin… on 26 Sep 2023 23:30 collapse

Thank you very much! This will be incredibly helpful on 09 Sep 2023 07:17 collapse

Truly, I just create a PDF from Libre to ensure formating to send off and no one has ever said a word about it.