Samtime: I Tried Switching to Linux (comedy) (
from to on 29 Nov 21:53


threaded - newest on 29 Nov 22:19 next collapse

Shame, it seems an apt issue caused him multiple problems.

It prevented him from setting up Davinci Resolve, though honestly that probably wouldn’t have worked out well anyways.

He also wasn’t able to install the deb of kdenlive, but at least the snap version worked for him. on 29 Nov 23:03 next collapse

I would’ve liked to see him try mint instead. Less fluff, and hopefully that would’ve gone better for him. on 29 Nov 23:04 collapse

It’s interesting but I didn’t watch and share this as a serious review. I posted it for the couple of chuckles I got out of ‘The power of sudo compels you’ and ‘God only has ten commands’. Sam’s a funny guy. on 29 Nov 23:44 next collapse

All the losers down voting the post…

You surely can laugh without feeling attacked at your very core, don’t you? on 29 Nov 23:48 next collapse

It’s all good. Downvotes are harmless. on 30 Nov 17:08 collapse

Joke’s on them. I can’t even see downvotes on my instance. on 30 Nov 06:47 collapse

I can only laugh if it’s funny, sorry on 30 Nov 00:22 next collapse

Remember kids, whatever Linux Distro you installed, it’s the wrong one… on 30 Nov 14:49 collapse

The only good distribution is my distribution. on 30 Nov 01:25 next collapse

Hehe, it was fun to watch. It baffles me that Ubuntu still has those errors though. on 30 Nov 15:27 collapse

That dpkg lock issue 😭

I still don’t know what’s the proper way of handling it other than just restarting the computer and deleting the lock files, then hope nothing breaks. on 02 Dec 19:44 collapse

He was running long installation process from command line and lock warning was probably appropriate. on 30 Nov 09:26 next collapse

He is a true CEO of Linux. Has no clue about what he’s doing but he’s very confident. He should’ve at least read a tiny bit about how this works. Such as, you can’t go and install apt packages without updating your system first, or else you will run into issues. You also can’t use a GUI apt frontend as well as apt via the command line. Some of the errors he encountered are totally Ubuntu’s fault tho, such as the broken installer. on 30 Nov 17:17 collapse

you can’t go and install apt packages without updating your system first You can use apt without updating first. You’ll just be installing potentially outdated versions if the cached repository information is old. Though you may run into issues if you do partial upgrades (updating the cached repository, but not running an upgrade, then installing something new). Though this is less of an issue on Ubuntu since they try not to do big updates.

you also can’t use a GUI apt frontend as well as apt via the command line The error message should tell you that you can’t have multiple commands running at once. The error message is a bit too technical, citing the lock files. on 30 Nov 11:41 next collapse

this warrants a TON of upvotes, are y’all for real? THIS is what it looks like to the potential converts and I deal with them daily.

the single, giganticest, most glaring issue in every distro and DE is the complete absence of sane defaults as this dude demonstrates, his comedic chops and edge-case issues aside.

converts nowadays come from the hyper-polished world of Android and iOS devices, where you turn it on and it works. the idea that the average user needs complex setup and training and is faced with these cryptic sysadm-intended-for error messages delegates it to the narrow userbase it has, and it can be so much better. on 30 Nov 15:45 next collapse

Like, what distros? All the majors I’ve used in the last 5 years have pretty sane defaults. Except Arch, of course, because the packagers just put in what the devs send. on 30 Nov 17:10 collapse

Ubuntus taskbar is sideways lol on 30 Nov 17:09 collapse

all the people say “oh you don’t need to use the terminal! You can just use GUIS!”
like literally look at the search results for “how to run .sh linux” they’re ALL terminal based on 30 Nov 17:23 next collapse

That was funny. Thanks for sharing on 02 Dec 19:42 collapse

He was probably supposed to mark downloaded .run file executable. Instead he went to collect errors.