"Honeykrisp" Is A New Vulkan Driver For Apple M1 On Linux - Derived From The NVK Driver (www.phoronix.com)
from mudle@lemmy.ml to linux@lemmy.ml on 05 Jun 19:15


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some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org on 05 Jun 19:48 next collapse

Alyssa Rosenzweig is a badass low-lever coder. I believe she’s been responsible for a huge amount of the video driver work for Asahi. What an ass-kicker.

[deleted] on 05 Jun 20:42 next collapse


onlinepersona@programming.dev on 07 Jun 13:29 collapse

Linux is going to have the first and probably on compliant vulkan implementation for Malus Silicon 😂

“Want to game on a Mac? Install Linux” Might just become reality this year.

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