superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager (
from to on 10 May 2024 15:18


threaded - newest on 10 May 2024 15:27 next collapse

@lemmyreader Looks quite snazzy! on 10 May 2024 16:22 next collapse

What’s the big selling point compared to ranger, nnn, yazi or broot? on 10 May 2024 16:33 next collapse

I haven’t used any of the 3, but from a look over them superfile looks a lot more user friendly and has a nicer overall look.

Edit; the install process is rough though, complains about missing glibc but searching for that package in apt doesn’t show anything promising. It also seems to require some kind of third party font that isn’t included? I gave up lol that’s too much for me to deal with. on 10 May 2024 17:50 next collapse

Glibc is the gnu c library. You wouldn’t just download that from apt. I’m surprised your Linux distro doesn’t already have that installed. on 10 May 2024 17:57 next collapse

Could be a (too) old version if you’re still on the Ubuntu 22.04 base on 10 May 2024 18:01 next collapse

It depends on the distro which release is installed and available. So certainly the problem is, the required and installed glibc library do not match. on 10 May 2024 20:44 collapse

It’s definitely a big learning curve with how complex installing things on linux is haha, I’m still used to windows just open the exe installer and that’s it. on 10 May 2024 21:51 collapse

Yeah I hear that. I will say aptitude made my life a lot easier in terms of installing things with its recommended fixes. Also good software documentation should have a “Getting Started” section that gives you step by step instructions for each OS/Distro of how to install it. If it doesn’t… Well maybe that software isn’t worth installing anyway 🤷‍♂️ on 10 May 2024 22:25 collapse

I mean there’s that, but it’s a lot of work for a dev too.

I would rather Linux just be able to detect what’s missing and install it for me. In the case of a lot of missing components, what it says is missing will be named completely different from the package you need to install which makes it really hard.

It was always nice with windows installers because they would come with the needed components, or windows would just prompt to install them automatically.

I guess that’s essentially what Flatpak solves! on 11 May 2024 02:42 next collapse

That’s what aptitude does. It says “these things are dependencies that are missing. Do you want to install them?” And you can say yes, no, or ask it to try to find a different fix. And idk what you mean by that’s a lot of work. If a dev can’t be bothered to tell people how to install their program then idk how they expect people to use their software. on 11 May 2024 09:16 next collapse

I would rather Linux just be able to detect what’s missing and install it for me. In the case of a lot of missing components, what it says is missing will be named completely different from the package you need to install which makes it really hard.

That does happen, but Linux doesn’t have anything to do with installing packages, your package manager does. If this package was installed through apt for example, it would also download all of the dependencies. But this package is using a makefile to build and install, therefore it has nothing to do with your package manager.

Tldr: use the package manager, and don’t use DIY packages if you don’t want to DIY

Additional package managers like flatpak and nix solve different issues:

  • dependency mismatch: let’s say libreoffice and this package require a different version of glibc -> flatpak downloads both versions and symlinks them in a different location in order for each package to have the correct version while not impacting your system and the glibc your DE is using

  • newer packages: Debian freezes packages for 2+ years, flatpak gives you a fresh version

  • easier packaging for developers: you can package for flatpak instead of having to maintain packages for every popular package manager and distro on 11 May 2024 15:46 collapse

There are two specific problems I see here for the mentioned binaries.

  1. The software is packaged as a generic archive, no format like rpm or deb the system package manager could/does handle. Thus, the package manager of your system does neither know that you’ve installed this binary nor what it depends on. The developer could have at least mentioned on which exact system the Linux binaries are supposed to work, e.g. Ubuntu 22.04, so that the user knows, that they might have issues running it on a different system.
  2. The developer could have built and packed it in a way that it can be installed by the package manager of a specific distribution. Launchpad or OBS are made for this purpose. The other option, wrapping it as a flatpak, works too, but may bloat the system of the user as different versions of the same libraries are installed (system generic + flatpak version).

Nonetheless, as a Linux user, you are encouraged to build directly from source. on 11 May 2024 20:58 collapse

Nonetheless, as a Linux user, you are encouraged to build directly from source.

Yeah screw that lol, I want my OS to just work and be easy to use with minimal fuss. on 10 May 2024 20:10 next collapse

I had to install Golang and build it myself to make it work with my version of glibc. But in the end the themes aren’t rendered properly. In other words, proper Linux experience. on 12 May 2024 07:04 collapse

Seems it’s been reported, and the PR to fix it looks like it was merged, so you should be able to run it soon on 10 May 2024 16:35 next collapse

It’s pretty fancy. on 11 May 2024 04:47 collapse

I like fancy on 10 May 2024 19:07 collapse

Or nnn for that matter. I will test it anyway. on 10 May 2024 16:31 next collapse

Looks very cool! on 10 May 2024 16:49 next collapse

That name tho… Maybe could have chosen a different one. on 10 May 2024 19:56 next collapse

Nah, its easy to remember. Its a good name on 11 May 2024 04:28 collapse

What’s wrong with it? on 11 May 2024 15:49 collapse

Try saying: “I’m a (the name of the project)” out loud, and let me know how that sounds. on 11 May 2024 20:08 next collapse

I’m a Super File… What? on 12 May 2024 01:29 next collapse

Get your head out of the gutter. There is a difference between file and philia, the former being something managed by this program and the latter being Greek for “love”. Further, the phil- prefix/suffix is used in many words which don’t mean what you seem to associate it with. Take philosophy for example—the love of wisdom. on 12 May 2024 06:23 collapse

Why would you say I’m a anyprojectname? on 10 May 2024 16:55 next collapse

Lovely little utility.

Shut up and take my money. on 10 May 2024 16:59 next collapse

It has a font requirement? That’s just weird… on 10 May 2024 17:04 collapse

Not really? It has alot of icons which are all driven by nerd font. Also you can basically use any font you want, neard just addes some extra glyphs

[deleted] on 12 May 2024 12:51 collapse

. on 10 May 2024 15:28 next collapse

Thanks for the share!

I’ve always liked tui file managers, broot is a pretty cool one as well. on 10 May 2024 18:35 next collapse

Oy! You rick rolled us. on 10 May 2024 19:28 next collapse

Looks great, I'll give it a bash on 10 May 2024 20:20 next collapse

I like nnn on 10 May 2024 21:00 next collapse

This looks super cool, but I’ve been using midnight commander for so so long. on 10 May 2024 21:17 next collapse

Not written in rust, yuck! 😆 on 10 May 2024 22:39 next collapse

Go is pretty cool, better than R on 11 May 2024 07:18 collapse

Why would you even compare Go with R though? on 11 May 2024 14:36 collapse

Because R would be weird for this use case hence Go being better for it on 11 May 2024 18:08 collapse

But why bring it up at all? Nobody said anything about R so why make that comparison? on 11 May 2024 18:18 collapse

Why dismiss all languages that aren’t rust? on 11 May 2024 19:12 collapse

R and rust are two completely different languages… on 11 May 2024 19:18 collapse

You didn’t seem to understand my question

Dismissing all but Rust is a joke

Saying Go is better than R at things R isn’t used for is a joke because it’s obvious and someone doing this in R would just draw the question of why even though they could on 11 May 2024 19:32 collapse

My apologies then, I thought you were shortening rust to R by mistake on 11 May 2024 19:41 collapse on 10 May 2024 22:49 next collapse

How else is it going to fit inside of 25kb? Can they even make rust executables under 1GB? on 11 May 2024 06:11 next collapse

Did you mean 1MB? With correct settings, you get under 1MB Rust binaries and with even more compression using upx it gets to 300KB, probably less for much simpler applications. Rust applications aren’t that big of a deal as people make it to be; within reasons off course. on 12 May 2024 07:40 collapse

The one issue I have with Rust apps is how much memory they need to compile (depending on the app ofc). I could not install Pika Backup from AUR on a laptop with 4 GB of RAM for instance because the compilation would run out of memory. It’s one case where I was glad flatpak is an option. on 11 May 2024 07:42 collapse

Not sure where you got the 25kb number from.

This tool is written in go and is a 7.8 MB compiled binary. on 11 May 2024 09:13 collapse

Oh wow, a text based file manager is that big ? That’s half of my openwrt router’s memory on 11 May 2024 20:21 collapse

Because it’s a statically compiled binary, it tends to grow the size of the binary. Increases portability though. on 11 May 2024 00:02 collapse

/s !/s on 10 May 2024 21:44 next collapse

“pretty fancy” or "pretty, fancy, and … "? on 11 May 2024 00:26 next collapse

It looks like midnight commander with some upgrades on 11 May 2024 04:01 collapse

I love mc for its sftp/ssh capabilities. It makes it so much easier to do remote admin/support. on 12 May 2024 02:59 collapse

Every time I install Windows the first thing I download is total commander. I can’t function without it. on 11 May 2024 01:49 next collapse

Yes. I do like that. on 11 May 2024 03:03 next collapse

Feels like dired and mc, but way more stylized and cool. on 11 May 2024 07:32 next collapse

Ah, Midnight Commander, how have I missed you. on 11 May 2024 07:46 next collapse

How does it look like in a proper 80x25? on 11 May 2024 05:56 next collapse

awesome on 11 May 2024 10:10 next collapse

Those who don’t know Norton Commander are condemned to reinvent it. on 11 May 2024 18:23 collapse

Or DOS Shell.

This is much prettier, though. on 11 May 2024 20:01 next collapse

Why is it making network connections when I run it? on 11 May 2024 20:08 next collapse

Did you check what the connections are about ? Maybe it is only checking for new updates ? on 11 May 2024 21:33 collapse

It wanted to download a zip file. Apparently it was a theme. But, I’m not letting a local file manager talk to the internet randomly. If I want to update it, I’ll update it myself. Or, at least provide an option to enable it on first run.

Uninstalled. on 12 May 2024 08:34 next collapse

Good to know. How do you test if a program makes network connections? Do you just open Wireshark and look at outgoing traffic? on 13 May 2024 11:22 collapse

the hero we need on 12 May 2024 13:28 next collapse

Linux user. Installs fancy gui. Uses terminal for file management.

/Use your own meme format. on 12 May 2024 16:15 next collapse

Commenting so I can grab this later on 12 May 2024 20:28 collapse

This file manager made me ditch nnn, very well done! on 13 May 2024 11:21 collapse

care to elaborate why? aka give some details on the advantages of superfile? for how long did you use nnn? on 15 May 2024 17:49 collapse

It had some functionalities that nnn did not have like displaying processes or favourite directories and such. In the end I got back to nnn because I read that superfile had internet access plus the fact that I use a graphical file manager for things that nnn or many terminal file managers can not do with extensive plugins. on 16 May 2024 06:47 collapse

Uhm both displaying copy/move process and having shortcuts for “favourite” dirs is quite possible with nnn. Although for the later I mostly use -S argument for persistent session.

The only drawback of nnn in my book is the kind of weird/cumbersome way to configure it eith ENV variables. And the non-existent preview image display under wayland. on 16 May 2024 14:07 collapse

Yeah, having to customize with env variables is not great, and adding bookmarks is much easier in superfile. Anyway I suposse one does not set bookmarks to often. Plus nnn was so fast I just tapped they keys to get to the directory I needed easily. Once I learned most shortcuts I was flying trough operarions.