This week in KDE: sprints, enhancements, and kebabs (
from to on 19 Apr 2024 22:14


threaded - newest on 20 Apr 2024 00:34 next collapse

On System Settings’ Night Light page, the time input fields for manual time mode are no longer a nightmare, because they’ve been replaced with a set of spinboxes (Natalie Clarius, Plasma 6.1)

Oh thank goodness, that page has always felt a bit weird. on 20 Apr 2024 07:23 next collapse

Nate Graham loves kebabs confirmed on 20 Apr 2024 11:16 next collapse

KDE is the best desktop environment. KDE is proof GNOME is a fricking hot garbage on 22 Apr 2024 10:24 collapse

I don’t think this dualist way of thinking is helping anybody. For instance, there’s no support for pen tablets in Plasma6, which means I cannot use it. In Gnome it works out of the box. on 22 Apr 2024 00:08 collapse

<img alt="" src="">

This is very very neat! Good job! Proud member :D