Ubunchu! A manga about Linux that came out in 2009 [PDF link] (github.com)
from absentbird@lemm.ee to linux@lemmy.ml on 26 Jun 22:45


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colourlesspony@pawb.social on 27 Jun 01:08 next collapse

Man that eee pc, disks, and ipod are an instant nostalgia trigger for me. I miss my net books. Not enough to go buy one though.

Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space on 27 Jun 04:02 next collapse

You can get the manga officially from here in its original form: www.aerialline.com/comics/ubunchu/

It’s licensed under CC-BY NC 3.0 and the author includes the original photoshop files if you want to edit them.

It’s pretty funny. I own a physical copy.

absentbird@lemm.ee on 27 Jun 04:37 collapse

Awesome! Thanks, I didn’t know that.

PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml on 27 Jun 09:21 collapse

Similarly, there’s System Admin Girl★まんがでわかるLinux シス管系女子 Imported a physical edition just for the quirky factor of a Linux Admin manga, but it is pretty well made and does explain pretty well some bits (even if from the first episode, they explain how to do VNC if i remember, from a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop, so fairly easy and old) but it still on-going !

Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space on 27 Jun 14:35 next collapse

Now that’s a find! I’ve been looking for something similar to read after うぶんちゅ!

Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space on 27 Jun 14:58 collapse

Wow, this is actually fairly technical unlike うぶんちゅ. SSH and X11 forwarding in the first chapter. By chapter 4 we’re already exiting Vim.

PoorPocketsMcNewHold@lemmy.ml on 28 Jun 10:15 collapse

Okay, so it wasn’t VNC, it was ssh stuff instead.

Spectacle8011@lemmy.comfysnug.space on 28 Jun 14:26 collapse

Eh, X11 Forwarding, VNC, SSH, XRDP, Waypipe whatever, it’s all very similar