Photo manager that deals with RAW and JPG together?
from to on 17 Jun 2024 10:18

I took some photos at an event and I need to go through them and get rid of the bad ones (eyes closed, things in the shot, out of focus, blurred etc.) I’m not a pro photographer so no idea where to begin with photo apps. I’ve used RawTherapee and Gimp a bit.

What app will let me quickly browse the photos and handle (delete/tag) photo formats together (both the RAW and the JPG)?


threaded - newest on 17 Jun 2024 10:21 next collapse

I’ve never had the chance to work with the RAW format, but I think Photoprism should handle it transparently. Depending on your area of knowledge, the setup might feel a bit convoluted though. on 17 Jun 2024 10:59 collapse

I think OP is looking for a desktop application, not a selfhosted cloud platform. on 17 Jun 2024 15:57 collapse

That’s very likely the case, but I’d say it makes little difference: any self-hosted application supporting web technology is also a desktop application. on 18 Jun 2024 01:27 collapse

Photoprism is not suitable as part of a post editing workflow. It’s a gallery for displaying and searching your photos after they’ve been sorted and edited. on 17 Jun 2024 10:22 next collapse

Darktable is what you want. You can also use digikam on 17 Jun 2024 10:29 collapse

also RawTherapee on 17 Jun 2024 10:33 collapse

I haven’t used it in a while. Rawtherapee’s editor is awesome but I don’t remember an image overview. Thx for the reminder! on 17 Jun 2024 18:56 collapse

It has a File Browser tab on the left that lets you view thumbnails of all the images in a folder. From there you can select multiple images to do batch operations on, or pick a single image to open in the editor. Not sure if that’s what you mean. on 17 Jun 2024 19:02 collapse

In darktable and digikam you can view images like in a folder with huge previews. You can select them, rate them and work on them. on 17 Jun 2024 11:36 next collapse

Have a look at XNview MP

I can definitely say that it is avery good photo management program.

I am only using about 20% of it’s features and it is my go to image software. on 17 Jun 2024 12:35 collapse

I second this. XnView MP is one of the best free programs out there. on 17 Jun 2024 11:50 next collapse

Capture One has a free 30 day trial IIRC. It’s great for doing this kind of thing, if you put caps lock on you can hit keys 1-5 to rate and it will auto advance. on 17 Jun 2024 11:53 next collapse

Darktable can do that, but be sure to watch a tutorial or two on youtub (because the most efficient ways to do such a job are not obvious at all):

  • Basic operation & use of the GUI,
  • importing,
  • use of the stars. on 17 Jun 2024 12:54 next collapse

Another suggestion for Darktable. It handles this case of mixed types transparently. It’s a big thing to learn, but extremely powerful and capable, and you don’t have to know all the corners of it, just enough for your workflow. on 17 Jun 2024 12:56 next collapse

nomacs could be an option and is multi platform on 17 Jun 2024 13:15 next collapse

I recently switched away from Lightroom and now use a combination of Digikam as a DAM and Darktable for editing. I also shoot RAW+JPG and you can group these photos reasonably well in Digikam on 17 Jun 2024 15:18 next collapse

Geeqie is a quick one to go trough photos and it groups RAW+JPG as a single item on preview, so even a few hundred photos are quickly ran trough with just a keyboard. I’m not sure on how well it manages tags as I don’t use it for tagging, but it’s most likely in your distros repository so testing it out is quick. on 18 Jun 2024 01:29 collapse

Digikam. It supports grouping (or stacking as it’s called in Lightroom) by filename, so you can auto group RAW and JPG. It has hot keys for flagging rejects/approvals during initial inspections and review, so you can just fly through them.