Immich 1.122 Brings HDR Video Support in the Mobile App (
from to on 06 Dec 20:47


threaded - newest on 06 Dec 21:20 next collapse

Can’t wait for the stable release next year. on 06 Dec 21:27 next collapse

Why? No breaking changes or something else in particular? on 07 Dec 09:03 collapse

Mainly no breaking changes. In the past I had to manually fix it on my server a few times. on 07 Dec 13:43 collapse

Yeah, I’m waiting for the same thing. Have you tried Ente ? It looks like more mature but with less features, is that right? on 07 Dec 15:17 collapse

I didn’t know about it before you told me. It looks nice but I haven’t tried it yet so I don’t have an opinion on it. on 07 Dec 19:20 collapse

I’m confused. This says it’s version 1.122 - are they going to reset to 1.0? on 08 Dec 12:32 collapse

I meant the first stabile release, my bad.

[deleted] on 06 Dec 22:15 next collapse

. on 07 Dec 14:59 collapse

Just make sure you back things up. It’s likely some update will break things. on 07 Dec 15:40 collapse

Break how? As in the photos aren’t organized, or we just nuked your entire library? on 07 Dec 16:55 next collapse

Check release notes before you upgrade and see what it’s going to break. Immich introduces breaking changes quite often at this point. on 07 Dec 19:44 next collapse

break the functionality of the app, it shouldnt remove or fuck up any photos on 08 Dec 15:27 collapse

As in "While the photos are still in your storage, the DB is gone for good and a manual reimport from the existing files is not possible, so you have three options:

  • Restoring the DB from a working backup
  • Reinstalling and reuploading the data
  • Reinstalling and importing the existing data as external libraries - which will lead to duplicates in your users galleries as soon as their devices sync themselves with Immich"

Honestly, you really don’t want options 2 and 3. Just make sure you’ve got good backups of everything. My DB is backed up daily and I keep periodic backups for up to three years just to be sure. on 07 Dec 00:20 next collapse

When will they add chunking, though… on 07 Dec 02:39 collapse

Chunking and the ability to rotate an image. I guess those features aren’t sexy. on 07 Dec 09:44 collapse

If you don’t mind me asking. What is chunking? on 07 Dec 20:49 collapse

It breaks large uploads into smaller chunks. If you’re hosting behind a reverse proxy and using cloudflare, there’s I think a 100MB upload limit. Can pose a problem for importing some videos. on 08 Dec 19:11 collapse

Ah that makes sense. Thank you 😊 on 07 Dec 07:39 next collapse

I’m thinking about self hosting my photo library, do I have to keep it up-to-date constantly to keep compatibility with the android app? on 07 Dec 08:53 next collapse

Nope, they recommend against updating without carefully studying the changelog on 07 Dec 09:22 next collapse

The app will complain if the server has an incompatible version. Have had it happen a few times, but usually two or three minor versions difference should be okay. on 07 Dec 14:36 collapse

Just don’t let it go too stale, I recommend updating it a few days or a week after a release gets made, since sometimes there are patches for important stuff released the next day or so after a minor one. That being said what I do is I have an RSS feed for their releases so I get a notification when a new release has been made and can check the changelog for important information, most of the times it’s just bumping the version on the .env file. on 07 Dec 17:08 collapse

Could I automate the upgrades?

With good backups, rollbacks in case of issues should be trivial. on 07 Dec 20:44 next collapse

Yup, watchtower will auto update docker containers for you. on 07 Dec 20:45 collapse

Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into it! on 07 Dec 21:45 next collapse

You can, just put latest as the version. That’s what I do for most other stuff. HOWEVER immich sometimes has breaking changes, so doing this is dangerous, I’ve broken my install twice because of it, and decided to switch to manual version and check the changelog, it’s less work than using latest and fixing when things break. on 08 Dec 02:22 collapse

There has been about 3 times where auto updating has broken immich for me. But I just go read the docs and there has always been notes on what you need to do to get it working again. 5 mins later its back up and running. on 07 Dec 17:12 next collapse

Is there support for HDR photos though? Last time I checked there wasn’t, is it time to switch? on 07 Dec 18:40 collapse

Does it work with Synology NAS? Last time I checked it didn’t. I’d love to use it. on 07 Dec 20:41 collapse

Yup it should run fine since its a docker stack, synology supports docker. on 08 Dec 02:06 next collapse

Man, it’s a fucking bitch to set up. Holy shit 😂 on 08 Dec 14:26 collapse

It’s basically 5 steps listed here

If you’re new to docker it will seem like a lot, but they’ve taken care of most of the work for you already in the docker compose file.

mkdir immich && cd immich

wget -O docker-compose.yml

wget -O .env

nano .env and change the upload location if needed (by default it will be in the ‘immich’ directory we’re in) and the timezone.

docker compose up -d

Now it’s running on ip:2283

Then to upgrade later on switch to the ‘immich’ directory again, do a docker compose pull and docker compose up -d on 08 Dec 02:17 collapse

I’m running it on a DS918+ right now. I copied-pasted their docker-compose file and had it up in half an hour or so.