Nothing's definitely off in here (
from to on 09 Sep 2023 14:08

Not that it’s bad. For me, it’s actually very useful, I just find it mildly amusing that an app for managing AppImages is packaged as a Flatpak, despite the two formats being widely known as competitors*.

* Okay, most people (including me) would say that the two formats are for different use cases and aren’t directly competitors, but for the eyes of a lot of AppImage purists and Flatpak critics, they are.


threaded - newest on 09 Sep 2023 14:19 next collapse

What’s off? It’s an app for managing appimages that is hosted on flathub. Just because it is a flatpak does not mean it can’t manage appimages

edit: a word on 09 Sep 2023 15:05 collapse

At the same time, it's like a Ford executive driving a Chevy. It looks wrong. on 09 Sep 2023 17:13 next collapse

More like a train conductor driving a car between their home and work. on 11 Sep 2023 17:01 collapse

Knew a Porsche employee whose company car was a Beemer, so maybe it’s not quite as rare as you think? on 09 Sep 2023 14:37 next collapse

What’s off? That looks like it might be useful. on 09 Sep 2023 17:44 collapse

Tool for managing AppImages is distributed only as a flatpak. on 09 Sep 2023 19:37 collapse

I mean they are two things that co-exist, it’s not like they’re in commercial competition. Flatpak itself is usually distributed as an RPM or deb. on 10 Sep 2023 04:54 collapse

OP is mostly joking about the appimage utility not having an appimage itself on 09 Sep 2023 14:54 next collapse

I think we should just be happy it exists 😅 on 09 Sep 2023 16:04 collapse

indeed :) on 09 Sep 2023 14:59 next collapse

Speaking of that app, I have been using it for some of my programs that are only available as an AppImage for sometime now and I can confirm it works really great.

Flathub link in case anybody’s interested on 09 Sep 2023 22:26 next collapse

OK well I’m not sure where the AppImage “purists” and Flatpak “critics” are but I’ve not really encountered them. on 09 Sep 2023 23:20 next collapse

Lucky you, those idiots are fucking everywhere! on 09 Sep 2023 23:55 collapse

Tip: take a look at r/Linux and the Phoronix forums 😉 on 10 Sep 2023 06:02 collapse

I like and monetarily support Phoronix the news site, but the forums have some of the worst Linux users. Lots of people upset about the silliest things and confidently spouting incorrect nonsense. on 10 Sep 2023 02:58 collapse

How is it compared to AppImageLauncher? That’s what I’ve been using for a few things that only ship AppImage. on 09 Sep 2023 15:05 next collapse

Wow, this is great! Thanks! on 09 Sep 2023 15:58 next collapse

This is not really a competition. Options are good. on 09 Sep 2023 16:24 next collapse

Let's trigger some peeps:

Is there a docker image available? on 09 Sep 2023 21:35 next collapse

<img alt="mqdefault" src="">

Just give me the source code. Under GPLv3 of course. on 10 Sep 2023 18:40 collapse

May I interject for a moment. What you are referring to as a Docker Image is actually an Open Image or OCI… Continues stallman quote on 09 Sep 2023 17:59 next collapse

It’s a statement, it’s about sending a message! on 09 Sep 2023 23:21 next collapse

I bet the dev gets a lot of angry comments over that, a absolute hero! on 10 Sep 2023 01:04 collapse

Everytime they add a feature to AppImage, they just keep trying to recreate flatpak but worse.